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Everything posted by Bubba

  1. Gaaaak!!! Not a fan. Admittedly some valid points, but they could've made those same points without producing this seriously cringe-worthy video, no? I really don't see this production as empowering to women….but then I'm not female. Guess I learn something new everyday….
  2. Tried to grow a beard several times and it came in a mix of red and grey and looked a lot like something the cat had half-eaten and left in the corner of the garage the previous spring. This talk of manly facial hair has me all a'twitter….It's time to post some selfies, gentlemen! Figger it's free advertising to the ladies.
  3. One of the reasons that 90% of the crazy road rage/wild car crash videos are from Russia. Pretty sure that most of the vehicles on the the streets in that country are running a video cam.
  4. Cleveland? Columbus? Cincinnati?
  5. I can identify with this. When it comes to the Sunday funnies, I don't try to understand….I just look at the pictures.
  6. Damn. I think it's only fair that you be allowed to ask for a do-over on the last few months. Tough times, indeed. Hope you find the strength in yourself and your friends and family to overcome.
  7. Can you eat zombies? I mean, they're already dead so it's not murder. Technically, I suppose it would be cannibalism….
  8. G3FG: Without knowing any particulars, I will only say that the Big C--in any of it's various iterations--is never fun….neither for the patient nor for family and friends. Hope it gets it's ass kicked!!!
  9. It only works in this case…IF…you shave your ass hairs every spring and then grow them back thick and luxurious in the fall. In either case, I'd bet you could find some documentation of this process somewhere on YouTube!!!
  10. One of the most damning pieces of evidence in the video is at 4 sec. As the truck begins to merge into Scruit's lane, the TRUCK'S BRAKE LIGHTS ARE ALREADY ON as it comes into the frame, even before he completes the pass and prior to the collision, indicating that the driver wasn't accelerating around the slower vehicle but instead was brake checking him before the pass was even complete. That's clear evidence of intent to cause damage, IMHO. Burn that M'F'er!!!
  11. Take away from video: Stay the hell out of C-bus! Drivers are as bad if not worse than Cincinnati drivers. Truck was hell-bent on making sure you 'noticed' him….guess he got his wish.
  12. Purty sure Dice's old-timers disease is affecting his copy-n-paste skillz…. I'm betting he means this: 2011 - http://www.localriders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16611&page=2 2012 - http://www.localriders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17229
  13. While you are technically correct, they do wear, thus increasing the distance between links and effectively becoming longer or 'stretching'….
  14. If he is a Brit or Aussie--his location is shown as Lordstown???--shouldn't the right side of his tire be more worn than the left? They ride on the 'wrong' side of the road, ya know.
  15. I remember reading that thread and thinking two things right off the bat: 1) Where the hell did they get PERFECTLY STRAIGHT 2x4s? 2) It's far more likely that they effectively bent the fork tubes and/or the steering head shaft than the heavily gusseted frame at the head tube. That right there is Redneck Engineering 101. Not dissing all free or cheap home remedies, but riding that bike after they 'fixed it' would scare the hell out'a me!!! As for the OP, that tire wear would make me take a serious look at my bike's history for crash damage. It's not that uncommon for tires to wear unevenly and be slightly more worn on the left side simply due to the crown of the road, but that pattern appears excessive. One of the easiest diagnosis for a bike out of alignment is to let go of the bars while at steady speed and see if the bike tracks straight without needing to use body lean or foot pressure on the pegs. Of course, you must remove any bags or accessories that might significantly influence the bike's center of mass and you must find a road that is as level as possible with little or no crown, and the there can be no crosswind. If you find and fix the problem, you'll be amazed at just how much more easily you can attack cornering--everything just feels right.
  16. Glad to hear he's got quality of life. Sounds like a fun dog. Not to be critical, but this ^^^ would give my dog the squirts, and she's not even sick. To much fat and protein, especially for a dog who's health/metabolism is compromised. Try a bit more fiber--carrots are a good source and ours loves them. Also, red cabbage, green beans, garbanzo beans (hint: if you offer him canned stuff, rinse the beans to remove a lot of the sodium).
  17. Not many OR folks close to Cinti and who have a weekday free, but here's a link to a LocalRiders post for today. Posted in case there's any interest….gonna be a gorgeous day for a ride! http://www.localriders.com/forums/showpost.php?p=165027&postcount=16
  18. I'm not criticizing your right to buy whatever you want, but why so insistent on using a lithium battery? As far as I know, the only reason to go lith is to drop a few pounds, i.e., like if you're tracking a Gixxer or other featherweight sport bike. Save yourself the money and headaches and just get an regular AGM battery. They work much better when the temps drop below freezing and don't require any special charging needs.
  19. 2Ts: You got yourself a mess there! I'm assuming your quilted liner is nylon (= organic) which is gonna reach equilibrium with the organics in the oil. You pretty much have a molecular bond there. I doubt that anything water based is gonna get that smell out. You might try dry cleaning, which is sort'a like dissolving organic with organic (Chemistry 101 = like dissolves like). Or you could just say f'it and buy new. Or, in the overall scheme of things, hypoid oil doesn't smell THAT BAD….
  20. Sweet mother!!! Those aren't wasps….those are birds. Angry birds. Shit in my helmet….those things in my helmet….same effect….don't need it anymore. I'm buyin' a new one!!!
  21. Ummm, guys, it's just a wee bit more complicated than how much surface area of polar ice is melting or freezing…. The main issue with the increase in hydrocarbon emissions is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. First, CO2 is obviously a greenhouse gas, although not necessarily one of the big actors--methane is a much better compound for trapping radiant heat, and the major sources of methane are organic bio-degradation, termite activity and bovine flatulence….ahem. However, CO2 is mostly absorbed by our oceans, which act as huge, nearly infinite sinks for the gas. Problem is that the oceans no longer have a near 'infinite' capacity to absorb our excess HCs. As the oceans have become more saturated with CO2, it has acidified the water. As the pH of the oceans drop, the ability of the water to absorb CO2 also diminishes, so it's very much a double-edged sword. At some point, the theory is that our oceans will stop absorbing CO2 and may even begin to out-gas, which would lead to a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding rapid increase in world-wide temps. This isn't even taking into account the effect ocean acidification has on the life balance in the ocean's eco-system, which is still one of the primary food sources for the world's population. I readily agree that the science of global warming is still far from being 100% predictive, but you'd have to be totally uninformed and uneducated about the effects the industrial revolution has had on carbon dioxide emissions over the last two centuries to ignore the potential for environmental and economic disaster caused by rising global temps. I doubt that my generation will live to see the compounding effects of our choices, but my children, your children, and our grandchildren will most certainly experience the effects.
  22. Bubba

    God and Doctors

    Steve: I disagree--it's not worthless. It's been interesting and strikes a chord with everyone from believer to non-believer. We're human, and the one over-riding quality of being human is to question. I always learn something by listening to people with a different point of view than mine.
  23. Bubba

    God and Doctors

    Damn. It must almost be winter…. ;o)
  24. Bubba

    God and Doctors

    I understand your comment. I've got a friend who was raised in a fundamentalist christian family whose father was a minister. My friend attended college and got his B.S. and M.S. in special ed and worked with the profoundly handicapped in Hamilton County. He was an extremely intelligent person, and yet he truly believed that the world was only 7000 years old (approx) and that all the scientific evidence in the fossil records and the C14/C12 ratios were simply man's imperfect attempt to explain the world and universe, almost as if God was pulling a great joke on humanity by leaving him bad clues to the pursuit of knowledge. I've worked in science for my entire career and still don't understand why the realm of science and the supernatural must be exclusive vs inclusive. That the universe was 'created' by the big bang and that life eventually bloomed on earth and has evolved from primordial slime to the genetic diversity we see today is fairly well accepted by the scientific community. Why is it unacceptable for christian believers--or any person who holds a belief in a greater power, for that matter--to understand the story of creation as told in the old testament can be consistent with modern astronomy and current gene science? Or conversely, why can't a scientist wonder at the possibility that at some point during the eons of evolution, our human life form was imbued with an god-given soul and that our spiritual lives are as immortal as the universe is infinite? I wonder…. ADD/EDIT: Saw some of the post above. I DO NOT BELIEVE that christianity is THE EXCLUSIVE PATH to follow for 'salvation'….if I can use that term. Strength of belief in a power greater than one's self is something that leads to growth of the soul, whether you be Catholic, Baptist, Buddhist, Muslim, or other. As for a true atheist, I admit I don't know what will happen at death. If you are a true non-believer, you cannot believe in an immortal soul and thus, no life beyond death of the organic body. My guess, if this is your true belief, is that you won't be punished--merely that your lack of belief in immortality will come to pass and you will no longer exist, in body or soul.
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