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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Got my bike started after we got home. Had it on battery tender while we were gone. But then it wouldn't start again after I took it around the block. Back on the tender but time for a new battery, I think.
    yea i trhink ur right


  2. i swung by

    y'all looked at me

    i said nothing

    then left :)

    Were you the guy that looked like he wanted to say something,

    but then didn't? :)

    Yea, I did see you! Wondered who you were, or if you just hated my bike.

    Thursday, OR meet at BW&R. You can try again!! :D

  3. went on the group ride afterwards and about killed myself on the backroads i know like the back of my haND-dj isle + backroads=FAIL!

    Followed the ride for awhile. I was in the back with some slower riders.

    Wanted to go faster but you know it is such bad manners to pass without the other rider being aware you are going to do it, I just stayed back.

    The girl with the white tank top seemed to rethink her choice of riding attire, dropped back, and then waved us on.

    Which lead inevitably to the split group.

    After a bit we could not figure out which way you all went at the next 4 way intersection, so we just went home.

    We did see some of you when we hit a cross street, double up with a pink jacket on the back. But then, you were gone.

    Way too late to catch up, so we didn't even try.

    Just had a nice ride in the country. (Except for those damn lighting bugs! They smeared on face shields like demon glue!)

  4. Hey, what's wrong with art majors? ;)

    I did start as a chemistry major, but found it much easier to go to an art class hung over.

    Actually, after reading this thread, I must have an engineer personality. I'm an introverted, depressed bookworm that will rarely talk to anyone that doesn't speak to me first. I'll be fairly social around people I know a bit, but no hard feelings if you see me standing in the corner by myself. I leave all the socializing to my wife. I prefer being alone. Today was my birthday and you know how I treated myself? Dinner at Max and Erma's with only an Arthur C. Clarke book for company.

    You are so busted! :)

    Clarke was an engineer by profession so if you actually read a book by him, well let's just say you are so busted!

    Visit my page: http://anotherealm.com

  5. I noticed some comments about the Saline injections with the :eek: emotion after it.

    What are they about and for? Does the fluid hurt or something? I know nothing about it, so educate me please. :)

    I have a thing about needles, they freak me out, just hate em'. :eek:

    I can't even watch other people get a shot with out a little cringe. :eek:

    Going to the Dentist...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!!!!!!!!!

    And those medical shows on TV? Yea, hate that too.

    There is a good reason I'm not in the medical field.

  6. this is what their site says,

    The rears are made of 7075 aerospace grade aluminum and is heat treated to a T6 hardness.

    I think they need to keep heat treating them then LOL

    Sounds like a track item, lighter than steel when it counts but not as durable. On a track bike you might change them every race depending on the course.

    Perhaps this is a case where racing parts are not the thing to use on the street. :confused:

  7. my 2 cents...

    make sure they let you know before they mount or dismount..a tap on the shoulder works..the sudden shift in weight can throw you off..if your not exactly ready for it..

    Like everyone else said, as long the passenger doesn't put their feet down and leans with you, it will be fine.

    Allow some extra braking time.

    Shift smoothly so you don't crack helmets.

    Expect sluggish performance.

    Don't try to ride balls out, just take it easy, remember there is another life at risk.

    Some good tips above.

    After she leaned the wrong way and then too far the right way and then put her foot down at a light. I told my girl to pretend she was a sack of potatoes, don't lean, don't help, just sit there and hold on.

    So, after the fight about me calling her a sack of potatoes....

    Anyway, once she got the idea of it all she was great on the back.

    Yes you have to think ahead a bit more, look a little farther down the street but no biggie.

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