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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. did you say "pattern"?

    A pattern, from the French patron, is a type of theme of recurring events of or objects,

    sometimes referred to as elements of a set.

    These elements repeat in a predictable manner.

    It can be a template or model which can be used to generate things or parts of a thing,

    especially if the things that are created have enough in common for the underlying pattern to be inferred,

    in which case the things are said to exhibit the unique pattern.

    Pattern matching is the act of checking for the presence of the constituents of a pattern,

    whereas the detecting for underlying patterns is referred to as pattern recognition.


  2. The same guy that ordered wings last night and then couldn't pay for them? Good on you Mr Anderson for picking those up, I know you got karma coming back your way.

    I wondered how that worked out. He asked me a a couple of bucks so he could get some wings.

    I took it to mean he was short by just a couple, no biggie, I gave him a couple.

    I just met the guy yesterday and he wanted me to buy him a beer which is no big deal because I buy beer for friends all the time. I would have probably sent one your way later that night had it not been for your 10 beers, 24 shots, xx whatever, and then riding home story. Of course you were also leaving around the time I finally sat down to order. Anway, here comes the drama lama.

    that's funny, something similar was said to me at BWR last week. I ended up picking up his wings, then RC51 picked up my tab at the last second (I got him at the first meet and greet).

    Well, fool me once and all that.

    In all honesty though, you should have waited until you had either bike or title in hand before you started splurging on gear. I know, I know, your girl was all into it, and I can totally understand that. However, if you had your doubts on getting this thing at all, I don't understand why you would drop 500 bucks on an idea.

    That being said, I'm going to sit back and see how this one unfolds. I've got a pot of popcorn all ready to go.

    Then I proceed to come back to the table later that night and the waiter brings Mr Anderson the bill for DJ's wings.

    Me: Awww dude he made you buy his wings

    Anderson: He said he didn't have the money to pay for them

    Me: Maybe he shouldn't have ordered them

    Anderson: I like doing nice things, it'll come around

    Me: Alright bro, but I should've warned you he was trying that with me all night.

    Anderson is a nice guy, sort of an easy target

    Do I see a pattern here?


  3. Interesting, bikes cause false positives on speed cameras.

    And no doubt red light cameras after sitting in a deserted intersection for 1/2 an hour. I have had to get off the bike, walk over to the pedestrian crossing button, push it, walk back to the bike to get a green light.

    State Highway patrol sat right there and watched the whole thing. No doubt a ticket if I tried anything else. (posted no u-turn, no turn on red)

  4. The paramedics say that, because the object in a wound often blocks or prevents rapid bleeding. Leaving an object in a wound will slow the bleeding. It is standard practice. To the extent that an object in a deep wound may be cut off and transported with the patient. If the object is removed, measures must be taken quickly to prevent possible excessive bleeding, or to stabilize blood mass by administering plasma or whole blood. It is also possible to cause greater damage when removing an object from a wound.

    The key is to stabilize the patient. Adequate respiration and pulse, conscious if possible, and no threat of further injuries occurring. If that was not the case, then the motorcycle should have been moved. imao

    I would have to think that a motorcycle on top of you might make it a wee bit difficult to get your breath.

    Perhaps not medically true in this case but I'm sure it was on the minds of the neighbors when they moved the bike.

    Even so, perhaps the EMT's didn't have to reveal that little fact as it was moot at that point.

    No winners at this one.

  5. Seriously?

    Have you priced Velocity Stage 1 for $5k, Hahn for $6500, Aerocharger $3500 for HDs, Ghetto for $4500.

    Astronomical! You could buy another bike for that! :eek: Yikes!

    OK, turbo is off my Christmas wish list.

  6. Minus 1 rep point for you.

    Everyone knows the conversation is mute...not "moo"

    Um, isn't that "moot":

    An issue regarded as potentially debatable, but no longer practically applicable. Although the idea may still be worth debating and exploring academically, and such discussion may be useful for addressing similar issues in the future, the idea has been rendered irrelevant for the present issue.

    As opposed to "moo":

    An onomatopoeia imitating the sound made by a cow.

    (Yes that is spelled correctly)


  7. Alright I just got off the phone with the insurance company and they low balled me an offer of $808.00 to keep the bike. I said hell yeah I'll keep it for that. So the bike will be getting rebuilt this winter into a mean lil machine. I will say this it will only look a little like it does now. :D I will post pics as I do the build and let you guys see the magic come to life.

    After I buy the bike I am still getting $6,000 dollars and that's after the deductible.

    Good for you!

  8. that was a hard ride street i had trouble keeping up...i split after we got bck on 270 they heaeded south and i went north to go back homw...i hit rocks and about wiped out

    Your bike is faster than mine. Even so, mine seemed to like being challenged. After a bit of the higher rev's it seemed to run better on the way home.

    Round town I never run it that fast, traffic and the like.

    The in-line 4 seemed to thrive in the power band (such as it is on my little bike)

    Anyway, a strange road is to be treated with respect, which I did, even so I had a couple of fun moments.

    I think I surprised Looney with a little burst of acceleration.

    Yep, the old girl still gets up when asked! (So to speak)

    All in all, a good day. Put about 120 mi on it today, not bad for a day.

    And tomorrow is another day!

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