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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. I changed the pads on my front brake. The old ones were almost gone so its a good thing I changed them. They have always felt a little mushy but I promised myself that when I changed the pads I would bleed them down as well.

    When I did I noticed that the brake fluid was yellowish. So I thought I would just gravity bleed all the old fluid out and start with fresh fluid. So I did. I hooked a clear hose up to the bleeder and held it up as high as the triple trees so even if it sucked something back in, it would be bubble free fluid.

    I would have thought that there wouldn't be an issue with doing this. Done it to cars many many times, no troubles.

    But the bike didn't like this at all. The lever feels even mushier than before the new pads. I've tried pumping them up and cracking the bleeder valve to firm them up, no luck. I've tapped on all the lines to get some pesky bubbles out of them, still no love.

    I even bled the master cylinder, then the lines, and still no luck. Then the other way, lines then master. I tried to gravity bled them all over again, running half a can of brake fluid through the system. I don't have any bubbles anywhere I can see, yet, I still have mush!

    By mush I mean I can pull the lever all the way back to the bars. I think it is supposed to stop before it gets to the bars. Being too hard to pull all the way in.

    Anybody got any tips?

  2. If they make such a size a 90/90 would be a bit skinnier so in theory may turn in a tad quicker. havent really looked at tires in those sizes but the 110/90 "sounds" more common so any quickness you may pick up going skinnier may be overshadowed by more choices in a more common size, offering a better quality tire? Radials perhaps?

    I talked to my wallet and we ruled out radials. I would need two, one front and one back. Still have lots of meat on the back. Front still has some tread but it isn't round anymore.

    Over 70-80mph the front end bunny hops down the road. Very annoying! Not very safe either. Maybe a belt broke inside the tire or perhaps its just age. I have no idea how old the tire is but no matter. A new one is needed.

    A touch quicker on the turns would be ok with me. Nothing drastic, just a little bit would be fine.

    Hmm, the speedo would be off a bit though, maybe... :confused:

  3. By now you've probably seen the NY Times's long piece on distracted driving — about how most drivers and most legislators willfully ignore the evidence of the dangers of talking on a cellphone, texting, and other electronic distractions while behind the wheel. According to this article, cellphone use while driving causes over 1,000 fatalities a year in the US. Another shoe has now dropped: it seems that the US National Highway Safety Administration blocked a proposed definitive study of the risks. The NHSA now cites concerns about angering Congress. Two consumer safety groups had filed a FOIA request for documents about the aborted study, and the Times has now made the documents public — including the research behind the request for a study of 10,000 drivers.


    from /.

  4. Might have to work that night, might not. :dunno:

    If not, see you there unless I have to swim.

    Might have to bow out on this one.

    Changed the front brake pads and am having a trouble bleeding the brakes down.

    My first problem is I don't want to do it in the rain. -rain sux

    The second is it doesn't want to bleed down.

    rain sux

  5. Greetings from Nibidia,

    I have a Billion Zillion dollars that I cant cash in without your social security number. I'll split it with you so your half is just under a Zillion bucks!

    Just send me the rest, in cash, please also include a outline of your front door key and a list of times you wont be home.

  6. The book calls for a 3.25x19 4 pr on the front.

    This crosses to, in the new notation, somewhere between 90/90 to 110/90.

    Right now it has a 100/90 on it.

    What effect on the handling/turning abilities would going to a 90/90 have?

  7. You guys need a room... i thought you had one booked for this evening so you could get that shit out of your systems!!! Are you going to be able to keep your rods under control on this trip?

    Thats tellin' em! :lol:

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