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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Just to throw a different spin on this, how about instead of putting an ad out targeting cagers (that they'll probably not pay attention to anyway), we do something targeting other bikers. Tips and tricks for those bikers who may not have taken the time to learn the right way to do things.

    We might not be able to stop the cagers from being stupid, but maybe we can help bikers be smarter.


    Just had my roomie yell at me about "those damn bikers", some squid cut her off, she was in a truck. In her mind at the time all bikes were as one, so it was my fault she got cut off. :confused:

    Perhaps that might be some nice reverse psychology. Getting the cagers empathy and pointing out that not all bikers are squids. Kinda like playing pediddle (find the car with only one headlight) when you were a kid on a long trip.

  2. Radio and TV stations are required by Federal law to run some amount of "Public Service Announcements" (PSA)

    These are things like, wear your seatbelt, have your pets neutered, don't eat the yellow snow and any other thing they can get out there that can be even vaguely construed as "In The Public Interest".

    They really don't seem to care what the content is but they do like pre-packaged 15, 30 sec announcements.

    If we could make something like this and get it into the distribution channel with say "Clear Channel" it could go nation wide.


  3. Other than I like the idea, I don't have a feel for which media would be best.

    I'm sure they all have an up and a down side.

    I'll throw radio and TV ads into the mix.

    Being a PSA might get that cost down a bit and some free airtime?

    Maybe do an ad for national distribution...

    FCC rules might be on our side for this one.

  4. If I can find a place that delivers chick wings he might get some at his next "gig"

    One thing I have learned from this thread: DO NOT MESS WITH OR PEOPLE

    Wikipedia - Brilliant! :)

    Dating sites - Awesome!

    Sending him wings - ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just know somebody has grabbed his "public records" by now.

    This is definitely worth way more than $2 in entertainment value!


    Thats a full 5 out of 5!

  5. Thought this thread would cool off and die after Djisle posted that he was quitting the board.

    Then he posted that he has removed stickers from his bike and is going to pay everyone back.

    Then he posted that he wishes us all well.



  6. So being laid off can work to your advantage. Get schooled, get better job next time. Your government will even help. Thats right, they will help. It is a pain in the ass to get on the program but thats to be expected.

    The WIA program, which is run by Job Leaders program, which is run by Family and Job Services can get you some schooling to upgrade your skill set to be able to make a livable wage. Which they define as $14.72/hr.

    As wages sink in the current economy, a few classes or a new certification can really make a difference. Upgrade your certs, finish off that degree.

    The hoops you have to jump through change it seems by the week. So you have to ask at your unemployment office about the program.

    In C-bus the place to go is 1111 E Broad st. Be prepared for a mound of paperwork!

  7. When I was talking to him he kept looking up, I figured he was just a tard. I feel kinda silly now because he was just gazing at the stars. :(

    Perhaps he was just being romantic. You prolly made him feel bad when you didn't look too. Maybe a candlelit dinner would help? :rolleyes:

  8. I see you know djisle there strictly

    I think I might have been the first person he met from the board at the Tuesday Night Black Hat Bike Night.

    Only seen him a few times since then. I had no idea what he was doing with everybody else. But when the stories started to converge they all sounded remarkably the same.

    Well, I've spent enough of my time and money on this topic. Which as it turns out is exactly $2.00 worth.


    Moving on to more important things, like laundry.

  9. I think we need to close the thread Djisle just wants to have a good time. I have never met him before, is this what he looks like?





    You have the right to remain silent....>- crickets -<


    Sure looks like him.

    one thine about him is was talking over a candlelight dinner and gazing up at the stars who can always take a second to make time for me.

    Sounds like him.

    Might just be him.

  10. Street, any nuggets of wisdom/hilarity dropped on your end of the table? I saw you two chatting it up over there. Well, I don't specifically remember seeing you talking, but you know what I mean.

    Oddly enough, he did make some strange comments based on what I am now hearing.

    Him: Why don't you have a job?

    Me: The contract I was working is over. Don't have another one yet.

    Him: I always have work, being a DJ, somebody is always getting married.

    Me: So you have your own truck and gear?

    Him: Yep.

    So if he has work all the time, why does he need to bum $2 from me :confused:

    More to this than meets the eye I suspect.

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