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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Does anyone want to meet up at cbus and ride down to the kfc meeting place?
    Meeting in the center of the parking lot at Iron Pony might be a good choice.

    At least everybody knows where it is.

    Hmm.. would that have to be around 9ish to get out there by 10?!?

    Yes/No anybody?

    Seems kinda silly to have a bunch of riders going out here from C-bus riding alone. Strength in numbers and all that.

  2. Is any OR member invited to join you folks at the CC parking lot? I would like to try to put some faces with names. I promise I won't offer any free bikes or try to scam chicken wings. Oh, and I definitely know the difference between Guiness and chocolate milk.


    If you show up, then your in!

  3. i usually lock it unless i have a bad feeling........

    :plus1: Me too!

    Unless its raining, then I take it with me.

    I still remember the time when it rained and I didn't know it. Walked up to the bike, unlocked the helmet and poured a quart of cold water on my head. :eek:

    Of course the parking lot after work was full of hot babes. Man did I look cool! :cool:

  4. Some one called the police because the woman was brandishing a knife.

    The police have an obligation to respond.

    The police respond to find some elderly nitwit holding a knife, with reports that she has threatened others with it.

    The police ask her several times to put it down and she refuses.

    She gets put down so as to disarm her.

    She almost immediately gets medical treatment summoned by the police.

    An entire gaggle of welfare addled imbeciles is standing around judging the cop's actions and causing a bigger scene, prompting the ultimate mass response from other WPD and CPD officers.

    Did I miss anything with the facts?

    LEO with a gun asks you nicely to put down the knife and you didn't?

    +1 what he said


  5. Title says it really. Going to be getting a majority of the money through the bank.

    I've looked all over Craigslist. Checking what else is out there.

    I'm also open to looking at other beginner bikes, something I won't get bored of. (250's)


    Don't forget about the older bikes you might find on Craigslist.

    Cheap, pay cash, learn to ride and then sell it.

    If you drop it a few times, so what, it's paid for.

    Cheaper insurance too. :D

    All under $1500 with only a 5 min search.





  6. moped_1a.jpg

    Almost every major city in the U.S. boasts at least one moped gang, and the names straddle being badass and ironic: Creatures of the Loin (San Francisco), Puddle Cutters (Portland, Oregon), the Tom Cruisers (Tempe, Arizona), Latebirds (Los Angeles), Landsquids (Sacramento, California), Decepticons (Kalamazoo, Michican), Hells Satans (Richmond, Virginia) and more.

    The Oprhans are Brooklyn’s fearsome two-stroke contingent (pictured above), and they’re obsessed with the abandoned pedal-start bikes.

    More here: http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2009/08/moped/

    You saw it here first!

  7. I wouldn't do just Columbus. I'm calling Clear Channel tomorrow.

    I wonder if the AMA, ABATE, and others don't already have a slew of PSA ads.

    Perhaps we could get an ad that is already set up for radio airplay?

    Just a thought, that and a click or two, I found this at the AMA site:

    Public Service Announcements

    More audio, video and print PSAs at www.ridestraight.org


    Using material from this site

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