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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. We’re trying to flood the White House with phone calls this morning beginning at 9am EST. Phone # 202-456-1414

    direct # for comment line Phone # 202-456-1111

    So I called and left a nice comment with the nice person on the other end of the phone.

    It was nice.


  2. After a rash of robberies in my old Apt complex they told us to take everything of value out of the car and leave it unlocked so they won't break a window to find out there is nothing inside.

    After a couple of weeks the thieves just faded away, nothing to steal.

  3. The impact threw Purvis from the motorcycle and into the driver's side window.

    Purvis was wearing a helmet

    Purvis, who was taken there in fair condition, was held for observation.

    The interesting thing is that wearing gear saved a life.

    The cage driver was hurt worse than the rider. How often does that happen?

    If no helmet, this would be "Another Squid RIP" thread not a mathematics exercise.

  4. Glad to hear!

    Yes, I may need the info in the future (this winter when I tear down the Interceptor.)

    The solution was to not expect perfection from a 30 year old motorcycle.

    I had it bled down but it still felt mushy to me. I thought with new pads it should have been rock solid.

    Lance told me otherwise. He explained how the master cylinder wears on bikes and that I had an acceptable amount of tension at the lever.

    It does stop way better!

    A MC rebuild is the only way to get it to have more tension at the lever, that and braided steel lines etc, etc.

    What I learned was the easiest way to bleed the brake is use 3 foot of cheap clear plastic tube from Home Depot and a large can of patience to to the job.

    I also learned that brake fluid hates plastic and anything with paint on it! (Like the tank) Soapy water in large quantities will help with that.

  5. Last night I soaked the whole thing down with PB and WD let it sit. Sprayed degreaser this morning and washed it off. Then some more WD. With the ugly ass tank off and being wet it looks like it has some potential.

    Scrub a dub dub! You've got a lot off surface rust to get rid of.

    Looks like you'll be needing a chain too.

    While your at it get a new halogen headlight for it (ebay $25)

    Get a manual for it, your going to be doing some wiring work on it for sure.

    A schematic makes it so much easier to figure out what is going on.

    The low mileage makes it smell of neglect not abuse.

    I'll bet this cleans up pretty well. Should look great when your done! :)

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