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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Design #1,

    Replace the Kanji with the Steelers stars.

    Replace hayabusa with the word "Steelers"

    Add small Steelers sticker to the tail section.

    Ohio Riders sticker on the frame.

    Add yellow pin stripes to the front fender.

  2. So has anybody down there ran from a copter? I started doing research on the matter most law enforcement agencies use the same model helicopter and it can do like 120mph in a straight line. If you can hit a highway that is mostly straight the ability to go in a straight line would be lost with the copter. Even the 600's now are capable of getting into the 160's it should be possible to loose them.

    Out running Motorola is the trouble....


  3. My personal view of Columbus:

    North Side - Drug dealers

    East Side - You'll get shot

    South Side - You'll get your car stolen

    West Side - You'll get hit by an uninsured Mexican

    Central - You're gay

    Gee, why don't you tell us how you really feel? :popcorn:

    This ought to be amusing...

  4. Nothing really paticular in mind, I just remember a handfull of people at one time looking for others from this area to ride over with.

    I'll be leaving about 6:30 ~6:40 from my place to head on over. I usually ride back roads to get to 23 (less traffic) then zip up 23 to 750 and over to Polaris.

    AVOID 750 out of Powell!!!!

    What a mess any day even close to rush hour!!

    Also 161 near Linworth, same story.

    I could meet you at the Shell on Sawmill just south of 270 if you wanted to go that way.

  5. I'd have to agree with everyone else that the Sawmill Road area is a pretty good choice. Been in the area 10 years or so Dublin/Columbus/Worthington seems to be nice areas.

    Cheap apartments, some with garages, Condos from $600 - $750,

    Lots to do in the area, Shopping, Local bike nights, Bars, Clubs, Bands or if you prefer Libraries, Parks, OSU airport and even The Zoo.

    Several retirement/assisted living homes in the area. Most have their own community centers.

    Not to mention I can get to just about anywhere fast. 270, 315, 71 are all right there. 10 minutes north their are cows and farms, 10 minutes south city bustle. The only place you can't get to in a hurry is the Groveport area.

    Northwest is the best.

    Seriously, there are neighborhoods around Sawmill(I live in one) that have Columbus taxes, Worthington or Dublin Schools, and get all the perks that Dublin and Worthington have(snow plowing, police, etc). These suburbs are very unlikely to let the area decay as well, and are pretty safe.

    Pretty easy drive to downtown and tons of shopping nearby.

    If you are looking to buy a house, there are a few for sale in my neighborhood for good prices., PM me if you want more info. My neighborhood is awesome, everyone is cool, we have block parties and stuff, and hang out all the time.

    If you are renting, there are tons of nice apartments around Sawmill that are fairly inexpensive as well.

    Also, quite a few very nice nursing homes within 10-15 minutes of Sawmill. Riverside Hospital and the new Dublin hospital(it's fancy) are 10-15 minute drives, as well as OSU Medical Center.

    I have lived in this area for about 10 years in a bunch of different apts. before I bought my house, or have had friends that have lived in others, so I know a lot of them. I would be happy to help you out if you decide to move and are looking in this area. There are a few 1 bedrooms that go for 400-500 a month, and are nice, and more importantly, safe.
    Staying North of I-70 is probably your best bet. I have lived in Worthington, Dublin, and now Grandview and all have been great places to live, quiet, lots of things to do around each of them. The Polaris/Powell area is good too, but lots of traffic.

    I think you can find a nice place to rent, relatively cheap in any of those areas. The one thing you have to watch out for is commute time to work. If you have to hit any major highway interchange area(270-70, 315-270, 71-270) things can get really backed up during rush hour. I just recently moved from Dublin to Grandview because it was taking me 30mins to an hour just to get downtown for work. Now I am there in 5-10. If commute isnt an issue then disregard the paragraph.

    As for hospitals, I have been to OSU and Riverside and have received great medical care. I have friends that work at Mt. Carmel and they seem to enjoy it.

  6. I bought it... the dude said to meet him at the gas station on E55th, cash only and for some reason he said he'll help me load it so I don't need to worry about bringing a friend...

    What a nice guys, going to the bank now :)

    Wow! He's only helping you load it?

    I would think after you give him the money he should send a truck by your house later. He should at least show you a picture of the bike on the truck first so you know what to look for after you get home.

    I mean you are paying cash and all that.

  7. Oil at intersections sux.

    I caught some just the other day myself on a sharp dogleg on a very local street, to me that is.

    Didn't loose it but it was a mite interesting for a second or two.

    Surprised me cause I had just been on the same street the day before and it was fine.

    Not an intersection just right in the middle of the turn.

    Gear is good, even at 90 degrees out there.

    So what is with the name change?!?!?

  8. I wasn't aware of a way to restore windows without reinstalling... (without knowing user or any local admin password) so I'm glad someone else chimed in.

    >Evil Grin< there are ways and then there are ways... :D

  9. I might be able to bring it up there sometime soon

    Your near Dayton so that would be a pretty long trip just to get this fixed.

    If you don't have a lot of PC knowledge this would be kinda tough to talk you through it. I can be done without re-installing windows or wiping the drive.

    I'm sure somebody in your area knows how to do it also. A PC shop for sure, but what that would cost I don't have a clue in your area.

  10. I do have another comp to make a disk with. as far as what kind of password I am not sure it pops up with a user icon and is password protected. I am computer retarded.

    Are you in the c-bus area?

    I can unlock it for you but you would have to bring it to me.

    Or you could just ask them what the password is...

  11. I'll assume Windows password not bios password.

    For windows password if you do not have the user or administrator password your only option (other than brute force cracking) is to remove the hard drive run it as a slave to another hard drive, boot to windows and format the slave.

    Alternatively you can boot to a cdrom capable OS (like Ubunto) and format from there.

    All this assumes you have a copy of windows to install.

    Not all the way accurate.

  12. I have a dell desktop that I have repossesed from my brother in law. The computer was bought with my credit and he stopped making the payments on it so I took it back. The problem I have is he put a user password on the computer and I dont know how to get around it. I have tried removing the watch battery to no luck. Any ideas?

    Do you have another PC to make a disc with?

  13. Check this out, what a wild bike, loud too!

    From Gizmodo.com

    Last year, we raved about a crazy/genius pulsejet engine bicycle builder named Robert Maddox. Now you can buy his biggest and baddest engine on eBay.

    This twin engine produces 100lbs of thrust by burning a mix of gasoline and kerosene—no need for jet fuel. Consisting of two 50lb engines that can each reportedly thrust a bike forward at 75mph, nothing but trouble can await those who install this twice-as-powerful, 140 decibel engine that glows "red hot" while burning 1.5 gallons of fuel per mile.


    More here:



    video link:




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