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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. I almost hit a deer today at 100mph and died, in broad daylight. Luckily I was able to pre-plot the deer's path of attempted suicide, accelerate, and pull a james bond bank manuver around him. :eek:
    Pics or it didn't happen...

    Post pic of your shorts. That will prove it!:lol:

  2. :slap::boxing: easy on the IRS agent comments, LEOs are held to a higher standard by all of society...if LEOs were not then we would be having this thread. Do we enforce the law, yes(well, most of us do lol). Do some LEOs who are idiots while off duty make all other LEOs look dumb, unfortunately. Why are all LEOs judged by these few idiots? I am not for or against throwing the book at him, lets not just get everyone to jump on the cop hater throw the book at him bandwagon, besides he wasnt a cop...he is a trooper, they are not police officers haha. :rulez::popcorn::D P.S. not all officers are jerks, and contrary to popular belief, most set good examples, its the few that make poor decisions sometimes here and there that stereotypes all LEOs.

    By and large I would have to agree with you. Most LEOs are good guys.

    The ones who aren't are a real pain to deal with. I have had the un-happy experience of running accrossed a few in my time. Wrong place, wrong time. Had no idea what was going on but I must have been one of 'Those damn bikers'.

    Had some good experiences to, so I can't wave the flag one way or the other.

    Most of the time I have found that if I give them the chance to cool with me, by being cool with them it works out the best.

  3. The Radian, in its day, had a pretty good reputation as a daily rider. Dependable and all that. Not a real big seller as far as models went but not an orphan either. It had disc brakes, a halogen headlight that really lit things up. Not super fast but not slow either. Decent handling and stopping. I saw lots with saddle bags and such on them.

    Parts on eBay for it if you dig around a bit. Things like headlights, turn signals, levers and grips should be easy enough to find.

    You could do worse for $700

  4. circle wheelies in the parking lot can be fun too I suppose ....... its still a good time hanging out with you city slickers I'll be there again :) you twisted my arm

    The last 4 times I've been there 'they' brought their chopper in at 100 feet so we all knew 'they' were there.

    We smiled for the camera and drove away slowly, with dignity I might add!

    (At least till it was out of sight)

  5. theres no good roads to ride up there is there???? remember im out here in coshocton county where the real roads are :)

    It's pretty much city as far as I know, which isn't much, in that area. Shopping malls and highways. I hoped someone would know more about it than I do.

    I have heard the real fun roads are in coshocton county but that would be a bit far for a QSL night ride, at least for me.

    Perhaps, suit up, show up and get some grub is the best that can be done in the area. Which ain't so bad when you think of it. :)

  6. But somewhat back on topic.

    CC at 7pm, roll over to QSL at about 7:20.

    Then we throw DJ into some nearby pond & maybe stop for some food somewhere after that.

    No ponds nearby...

    Sammich, yum

    Are we going to go for a short ride anytime Wednesday?

    We keep saying we will but then after food nobody wants to move.

    Course, the foods been pretty good. But even so...

    Polaris traffic sux at 5pm but by 6 it mellows as much as its going to.

    Maybe a short ride first, last? If anyone knows the area roads?

    What do you think MRBret?


  7. All in all, an excellent day. No wrecks, even with Strictly Street dumping water bottles like they were depth charges. :D

    Sorry about the depth charges! :eek:

    The good news is, this is a ride to be remembered.

    The day you escaped being depth charged on Cleveland Ave.

    You can tell your grandkids about it!:p

    Hue, thanks for the route and the lead. Looney, thanks for lunch, I have a feeling that waitress isn't going to forget us anytime soon.

    I will second that!

  8. We rode a nice ride. Some nice turns, some good straights, a nice mix.

    Lots of scenic spots too. The pizza was really good too.

    Parked in the middle of the IP lot so everybody could see us and thats how most of us found each other, that and looking for the antique bike. :)

    We did see some other OR people at the IP but they didn't go for the ride.

    I'm not sure who we all were when it was all said and done.

    But it was Hue Jass, Looney, Strictly Street and Cheech

    I'm not sure of everybody else, first names, screen names, Yikes!

    Who can keep them straight?

    So check in with your comments on the ride!

    Oh yea, post some pics!


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