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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Actually, I think that is the goal, since almost no one makes it that far. If they did, half would be there, and the other half would be taking care of them. Besides, make it that far riding a motorcycle all the time, would be epic in itself. There would have to be both a book and a movie about a person like that. Pretty rare.


  2. When considering that everyone is buying larger displacement motorcycles in each of the 3 groups listed, this chart is alarming. It says fatalities are declining within the two lower displacement groups. Even just moving up to a 1000cc liter bike from a 600cc sport, will stay in the same lower group.

    What would be the factors on a bike >1400cc. My first guess is simply the size and weight of the bike contribute to the fatality. Not just the slow response in handling and maneuvering, but the thought that the shear size and weight of the larger motorcycles might be causing the injuries. Meaning that when that extra heavy bike rolls over on you, it's not survivable.

    Consider as well what you could buy in 1985 that you can't buy now, as far as size of motor. In 1985 how many models could you buy over 1400cc's is a factor too.

  3. "Motorcycle rider fatalities decreased each year from 1995 to 1997, reaching a historic low of 2,116 in

    1997. Beginning in 1998 motorcycle rider fatalities started to increase each year. Since 1997

    motorcycle rider fatalities have increased by 89 percent.

    I have to agree with NinjaNick here about the numbers.

    In the first paragraph the article lists real numbers.

    In the second it lists percentages, an increase of 89% sounds dramatic but the change in notation is done to throw off the reader so that they don't try to calculate what is going on and then follow the lead of the article.

    Example 1997 = 2116 fatalities in one year

    Some unnamed time period after that = + 89%

    Is that an average percentage increase per year, mean, median or total bullshit number made up by my mom?

    So was 1998 2117 fatalities?

    It doesn't really say. But I'll bet this report has been quoted somewhere by someone looking for an increase in funding for something. Or to pass some kind of law about some thing.

    It occurs to me that is the sole reason to write such a report in the first place.

    Clueless politicians reading such reports come up with the strangest ideas.

    When Elizabeth Dole served as Secretary of Transportation under Ronald Reagan she heard that motorcycle riders were being thrown from their vehicles in crashes. So with a straight face and no clue what so ever she proposed making seatbelts mandatory on motorcycles. Go figure?!?

  4. I agree with you guys. More riders more deaths. NOt to mention every state that has repealed the helmet law has had an even larger increase in motorcycle deaths.

    Which could only happen if more voters wanted it. ie a higher percentage of riders in the voting pool. Again the statistics thing is at work.

  5. Thanks one and all.

    Just got back from Hoblick's place after putting on the new chain. Much better!

    Hung out for awhile and watched him install some forward controls on a new Fury.

    All in all a good day

    Hoblick, thanks again for the help! Don't forget about the wiring offer either.

    Rep to you sir!!

  6. "Maybe now you've learned how to be mature with money and manage it better."

    In the worst economy since the seventies?

    Unemployment at 16% by the not quoted govt source?

    Stuff happens.

    Whoever the poster was must be a financial genius.


    What a dumbass thing to say.

    Um, your ex-wife isn't on the board is she?

    Ex-Mother in-law, ex-girlfriend?

    Seems like a bitch comment.

    On the other hand, pay as much attention to it as it deserves.

    I'll start, YAWN!

  7. i agree with you mildly in general about talking shit. the guy may have had it coming. but realistically -- when you're an athlete at that level, are playing for UofO in the pac 10, a running back position for a team many athletes can only dream of being recruited into -- i personally feel there are behavioral limits and demeanor for which the team, the school and all the rest expect from their players. how stupid does one have to be to risk their future over some snot remark from a player on another team. the opposing team isnt even a rival. he's obviously willing/proven that he make's poor choices, and eugene should think twice about letting him play on in conference games.

    Yea, what she said.

    If dude can't keep his cool, shouldn't be playin' for that school.

  8. NO...not scripted...I wish i could change answers now..but it is what it is..they caught me off guard..apparently I love customization..LOL...and carbon fiber..LOL I'm an idiot...I wanted to talk about the clothes, bikes, girls etc..but all that would come out was customization and carbon fiber... :eek:

    I know what you mean.

    Friday nights I go out looking for customization and carbon fiber... :D

    apparently I love customization..LOL...and carbon fiber..LOL


    Not that I think I would have done any better.

  9. Just saw this thread.

    I have to agree with the majority here.

    Get checked out.

    File a police report, they will take one even if they don't want to.

    Write down what happened, you wont remember exactly what happened 6 years from now when it goes to court.

    Get pics.

    Save all receipts.

    Glad you are mostly OK.

    If you would have been on the ninja, well, you weren't, thats good.

    Never liked that crazy parking lot either.

    I'm near Dublin, need something call.


  10. just makes me wonder when "cents" will officially be obliterated. US coins are completely worthless for anything other than bubblegum. Are there any coins which the metal they are made from is worth more than the coin?

    Not anymore, they are using cheaper metal.

    Seen a real silver coin lately?

    Pennies are mostly zinc now.


  11. And one more thing i checked, the voltage on one yellow coming from the stator and it checked about 6.5 volts if that means anything.

    That measurement is leading you down the wrong path.

    What you are reading is an AC voltage from the alternator.

    With the meter on a DC scale, this will not give you a good reading.

    Disconnect the 5 wire plug from the reg/rect.

    Measure on an AC scale from yellow wire to yellow wire you should see something like 75 AC volts which will climb as the rpm's go up.

    This is normal, Replace the 5 wire plug from the reg/rect.

    Alternator is good, move on to the next thing.

    All I can say past this is read the manual.

    Good luck!

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