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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate


    In just the last paragraph, not even doing a point on point comparison. The authors bias is clearly visible. At the very least it show how un-informed she is at the very worst it shows she is a shill.

    Quoting the commerce clause to define constitutionality?

    Isn't that like quoting the puctuation to define the sentance?

    Saying that the Govt will not set doctors wages? Um... isn't that done right now by the insurance companies?

    Isn't the Govt trying to be the insurance company for everybody?


    Look at the first sentence, the point of her article, it's very reason to exist.

    I quote: "To the credit of opponents of health-care reform, the lies and exaggerations they're spreading are not made up out of whole cloth—which makes the misinformation that much more credible."

    Ok then, lets say it another way. "All those other guys are lying"


    Sentence two:

    "Instead, because opponents demand that everyone within earshot (or e-mail range) look, say, "at page 425 of the House bill!," the lies take on a patina of credibility."

    Lets say it another way. "The liars quote the source document."


    I don't have to rip this article up any more, it falls on to the fail pile without any effort on my part.

    JRMMiii, I respect your opinion but I've got to say this time you brought some weak editorialized opinions to the table.

    Just because it's printed somewhere does not make it credible or even believable.

    Perhaps some reason why it's a good idea?

    Instead of a rambling rant from one of the political corners of the 'debate' if it can even be called that at this point.


  2. :rolleyes:

    Did you even read the article? It gives shareholders and executive board members MORE say on executive pay. This is definitely a good thing, not only from that standpoint, but to force these short term sighted CEOs to focus on long term health of the organization.

    This is key, especially because executive compensation packages were a contributing factor for the economy now. So, why are the asinine thread title?

    I might be wrong but didn't the board have the final say in executive pay all along? Isn't the board elected by the shareholders?

    compensation packages were a contributing factor for the economy now

    Um, bad laws promoting fraud had nothing to do with it? Like the "Fair Housing Act" back in Clintons day which forced banks to write loans to people with poor credit futures...

    I've never had a poor man sign my paycheck. Passing a law to limit incentive for business sounds like a bad idea.

    Somehow I think your oversimplifying this issue into one of class envy without thinking it all the way through.

    Just sayin'

  3. I found that pushing on the instrument cluster ,reduce the rattle a bit. I am wondering if the speedometer cable might getting worn off inside the speedometer assembly.

    I never heard of that happening, I guess it could but...

    So this only happens when your moving?

    Maybe try riding it with out the fairings on it just to test it.

    Maybe the noise isn't coming from where you think it is.

    Sounds are funny like that.

    The rattle could be bouncing off the fairing and just seem like its from the cluster.

    Just a thought...

  4. Thats just weird.

    Plenty of memory, CPU usage is fine yet the script flipped out just for one or maybe two users.

    Kinda makes me think it's on my end, but I'm not sure how that could be.

    I Googled the error message and let you know what it said. Didn't see anything about client side errors. Random gremlins?!?

    I did turn off SQL and PHP on my end just to see if that could somehow be a conflict. Closed VM ware and unloaded all the machines. Still got the error.

    Well If it happens again I'll let you know and note anything at this end that might have contributed to it.

  5. Have you had any problems with any other sites?

    Nope no troubles with anything.

    CPU Type Intel Pentium 4 651, 3733 MHz (17 x 220)

    Motherboard Name ASRock Wolfdale1333-D667 (2 PCI, 1 PCI-E x1, 1 PCI-E x16, 2 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Video, LAN)

    Motherboard Chipset Intel Lakeport-G i945GC

    System Memory 2560 MB (DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM)

    DIMM1: SuperTalent SUPERTALENT01 2 GB DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-15 @ 333 MHz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266 MHz) (3-3-3-9 @ 200 MHz)

    DIMM3: SuperTalent SUPERTALENT01 2 GB DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-15 @ 333 MHz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266 MHz) (3-3-3-9 @ 200 MHz)

    BIOS Type AMI (06/30/08)

    Only mildly overclocked and the memory timing is just fine with everything else games included.

    Cache size on the browser was jumped up to 100 mg from 20 mg, no difference. Virt RAM is the same as it was. :confused:

  6. I know what the error means.... but there is no reason for it in this situation. Images and what not load into your PC's memory. The memory limit in php.ini is only for the php script (what's doing the lookup in the database and outputting the data). And since you got the error saying it was trying to allocate a much, much smaller amount of memory that was is limited by php, I think it might be more of a memory leak on the server. This could be related to what happened this morning. So, is it still happening to you? Is anyone else having this problem?

    I thought you might know what this error meant. :)

    Rebooted and it seems to work now.

    Which of course shouldn't have anything to do with it as it speciifed a script error.

    Memory leak on the server sounds like a possibility. Randomly the site going down, hmmm.

    I had this error before but thought nothing of it and moved on to other threads.

    Should have said something earlier, sorry about that.

    All good now!

  7. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33169 bytes) in /www/ohioriders/showthread.php on line 1272

    When trying to view "Word Association" http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=308613#post308613

    Tried it in Firefox 3.5.2, Opera 9.63 and IE 8 when logged in.

    With Win XP Pro SP3

    If not logged in, it shows the first post but not the rest of the thread in all three browsers.

    Anybody else getting this error?

    Also happens in Windows 7 running inside VM Ware with IE 8.

  8. Ok I got my plan for next year. I'm selling my 250 during spring time.

    This year.

    1. Sell my 04 mustang gt

    2. buy a 5 yr old Honda

    3. Celebrate my insurance not being $200 a month. :banana::banana::banana:

    4. Pay off my 250 at the end of this year. :banana::banana::banana:

    Next year.

    1. I will be buying a 600 most likely an 07 Honda cbr600rr :metal:

    2. I will then buy my first track only 600.

    3. I will do trackday and practice like crazy.

    4. I will have fun and enjoy my new toys.:banana::banana::banana:

    There is nothing more dangerous than a man with a plan. :D

  9. I wasn't going to deal with it because I get really nervous about talking to a business owner about a policy in THEIR store... well I'm glad I called them.

    Talked to the business owner about the gun buster sign he had up, initially he told me it was a legal issue and he was going to trust his insurance agent. I read a few things off the OhioCCW website for him, specifically the legal liability section... much to my amazement, not only was the owner incredibly nice and polite to someone that was, essentially, asking him to change something about HIS store... he said "you know what, I'm going to take the sign down... it just doesn't make sense"

    What a great conversation, I'm on cloud 9.

    TLDR version, if you have a store you shop at that has a GB sign up, don't be afraid to ask the owner about it!

    also, shop at BA Sweetie in Parma.... SO MUCH CANDY!

    Good job!

  10. Just got back from riding the parkway yesterday....We took 5 days to get to Cherokee. We've rode the parkway many times, but never taken time to stop, and look at stuff.........Great week of riding, lots of good roads off of the parkway also !!!

    The FJR was great, I love it...not so much at first, but after owning it a year, and 10K miles it fits me perfect.....145 HP, good ergo's , good handling, and storage...

    If you haven't ridden the parkway it's a "must do" for a motorcyclist IMO, it's not a "racetrack", but unbelievable scenery, and lots of great "twistie" roads off of it.....

    Sounds like a blast!

    Scenery is better on a bike than in a car.

    Got any pics?

    Sounds like the FJR has really grown on you.

    You got over that "top heavy" feeling you had with it and now like it.

    Good recommendation for the bike. Looks like a nice hiway bike.

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