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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. well you in for this weekend??? I could go saturday, but I'd like to leave the pony earlier... so we could hit 555 and some roads down that way too... or I've been looking at routes that would take us up past cedar point and around the lake region...

    Sounds tasty! A nice ride in the country.

    Saturday looks good, no rain forecast, yet

  2. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the American way. We are about to become all that our fathers fought and died to defend us from.

    This is a power grab by the liberal elite, plain and simple!

    Oh……. And that’s just my opinion!

    Been following the medical laws over the last few years have we?

    The infrastructure to track everything you do in the name of medical is there already.

    Just needs a couple of touches to bring it all together. Starting with the idea that you can't see your own medical reports, they are for health professionals and Homeland security.

    Banking reform with more govt oversight. Meaning 'they' now have direct access to all your banking info, 'they' own the bank.

    Everything moving to a cashless society via VISA, Master Card and the like.

    Biblical prophesy, cats and dogs living together in sin, where will it end?

    And thats a wrap for the Obama-Nation show for this evening folks. Join us next time for our tribute to Al Gore, inventor of the interwebs! Until then, here's hoping for change!

    (cue the music, and the announcer )

    Nothing to see here, move along....

    Even the tin foil hat guys get one right every now and again.

  3. 1978 KZ 1000

    He could get a grand for it I would think.

    But even with the nice paint I'm thinking he'll have a tough time getting more.

    People aint' buying they're selling. Especially one that old. Collector or old skool buyer is about it. Even so a fast bike for it's day.

    I've seen it out there for awhile now, he isn't coming down on the price and he still has it.

  4. Arg parents filed for bankruptcy. There going to lose everything.

    Um... WTF?!?

    Most people don't "Loose Everything" in bankruptcy.

    My first advice is "Don't Panic"!!! :eek:

    Second thing you need to know is chapter 7 or 13?:dunno:

    (Do they get to keep the house and the cars, etc)

    Adjust your plans accordingly.

    :broke:Trimming expenses is never a bad idea.

    Selling the Mustang might be a fast way to do it. Especially if it's been wrecked by that van. Get rid of the insurance headache and go get a beater pickup truck with cheap insurance.

    If you have to move don't get sentimental. Sell, give away or throw out everything that won't fit in the back of your pickup truck. (not counting vehicles)

    You are now mobile. :)

    Mobilize to your new bachelor pad. :D

    Get cheap furniture that you won't feel bad about parting with, cause you will move again, sometime. Garage sales etc, stuff like that is real cheap now. Take advantage.

    Always have the parties at the other people places. Save yours for those "quiet evenings at home with your significant other"

    Use the "Catch and Release" method to stay single and disease free!

    Smile and nod, smile and nod!


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