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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Holy crap! Glad you made it home alright. I hope the bike is a-okay tomorrow. Glad you're fine!

    Bike will be fine tomorrow I'm sure.

    Felt like I was riding down/through a stream.

    After getting so wet so fast, it didn't even matter.

    Until the motor started acting funny.

    Then I got a bit nervous.

    The bike is clean now, so I got that going for me!

  2. How about a family tree.

    Start with caveman and wheel, then show the evolutionary branches into sport, cruiser, touring, dirt/dual sport (Using generic clip art)

    with a tagline underneath say, something like.

    Ohio Riders ride them all

    Whatever you ride you are family

    All riders share something in common

    We ride the shit out of anything with two wheels! :)

  3. you can bring your bike and stuff over to my garage. i have one, and i can help you with teh install as well

    Now theres an off I can't pass up!

    A garage to work in!

    And your close by!



    I'll get hold of you once the chain gets here.

    Sending a PM for your location.


  4. Updated - Problem solved

    Thanks for the help!

    My chain has seen better days.

    It might be 2 or 20 years old,

    I have no idea.

    I do know that it is going bad.

    I've used all kinds of chain lube/Penetrating oils and it still has some bad links.

    So I have ordered another chain before this one chews up the sprockets.

    Should be here in a week or so.

    Once it shows up I'll need a a chain breaker to adjust it to the proper size.

    Its a 530 - 120 chain. Don't want to spend $60 for a one time job.

    Anybody have one I could use for a couple of days?

  5. Yeah it was a good time. But hey Streets' date=' I thought I asked you what your top end was on the KZ

    so I knew what not to exceed so as not to leave ya behind, coulda swore you told me 90mph,

    but once we got on 70 Westbound I had you at triple digits at least twice my man!

    Of course it puffed black smoke a few times :p

    Here are the pics I took, slideshow link...


    My speedo ends at 80mph.

    So anything past that is just a guess.

    Come to think of it anything below that is a guess as well.

    It isn't reading correctly, I'm thinking the speedo cable didn't seat properly after changing the front tire.

    The smoke is a getaway device that was installed by the previous owner.

    Some guy with a cape and a car with real weird tail fins, had this thing about bats. :confused:

  6. It occurs to me that, if Obama were actually able to speak even basic Spanish, someone on the right would be claiming he's part of an ongoing plot to annex this country into Mexico and/ or colonize it with illegal immigrants.

    If he could magically make slow-roasted pulled pork free and available to everyone, someone would complain that it's infringing on their right to make it the old-fashioned way. Hell, if he turned water into wine they'd call him a dirty elitist because real 'real patriots' only drink Budweiser.

    Quite simply, no matter what he does, there are people who will hate it or him. They'll do it when he does something right, and they'll do it when he does something wrong. Hi, welcome to politics. :cool:

    Hmm... Sounds kinda like the people who hate GW Bush. Nothing he could ever do was good enough.

    He could have hung himself and they would complain that he didn't use a new rope. :lol:

    The one that gets me is the story that he was plain stupid.

    He graduated as opposed to Gore who flunked out of 4 schools.

    So who was the dummy?

    Remember that facts do not get in the way of politics.

    Hi, welcome to politics.


    I'll just watch as this thread devolves into a name calling bitch slap session.




  7. Sounds like a good route. I can't believe you guys almost made it to PA.

    Cadiz is ~ 20 miles from Steubenville which is 7 miles from PA. I hadn't thought we were so close until I started seeing signs for Steubenville.

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