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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Sunday 08/23/2009

    Swing'r, Cmoosego and I went for a wee ride in the country.

    We started at the pony and went almost to Pennsylvania before we started back.

    The weather was in our favor, slightly overcast with spots of sunshine.

    At the Pony I bought a throttle rocker, the velcro kind. Everybody said it was a crap design.

    Moose reached into his magic saddle bag and pulled out a clip on style.

    Is there anything not in those magic saddle bags? He prolly even has a kitchen sink in there! :)

    After a little fooling around with it a bit I got it mounted and kinda adjusted and off we went!

    Our planned route courtesy of Swing'r:

    - Iron Pony – East 161 to 37/16 Newark

    - 16 East to 79 North to 541

    - 541 East to Coshocton – McDonalds

    - 16 North to 36 East

    - 36 East to 250 East in Dennison

    - 250 East to 22 in Cadiz

    - 22 West to Cambridge

    - 22 West to 83 South in New Concord

    - 83 South to 78 West in Bristol

    - 78 West to McConnellsville

    - 78 West to 37 West to New Lexington

    - 13 North to 40

    - 40 West back to Columbus

    First stop, lunch in Coshocton.



    Then off to the wide open spaces!

    I have to say by this point I'm thinking the throttle rocker may possibly be a substitute for sex.

    It felt sooo good to ride without getting cramps in my throttle hand.

    The miles just slipped by under the front tire.

    Time seemed to stop as we effortlessly glided through the turns, up hill, down hill and round the bend.

    Soon it was time to stop again. We stopped at Tappan Lake, which is just freaking huge!

    It's a very big blue blob on the map that Swing'r pulled out to check our route.

    It was at this point we realized in just a few more minutes we could be in Pennsylvania.

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    Swing'r had a little trouble with his kickstand sinking into the ground.

    But he caught it before it went over. So all was well once again.


    I for one was shocked that the little KZ had come this far without a whimper and was just raring to go for more.

    Just love that throttle rocker!


    We noticed a rest area just up the shoreline a bit.




    Nice picnic area but more importantly, a bathroom!

    Then off to our next photo stop, Salt Fork State Park!




    On the road again!

    After missing a sign on the road somewhere in Zanesville we found ourselves in a small park next to the river.




    Time to re-group and think over our next leg of the journey.

    We realize that it was getting a bit late in the day.

    Even though we hated to admit it, there were things at home that needed done.

    We had been out all day riding around like grinning fools and loving every minute of it! :D

    So we decided in the interests of time we would just jump onto 70w and scoot for home.

    So we did.

    And so ended one GREAT ride!

    Approx~ 290 miles and 3 tanks of gas for the KZ

    Breakdowns = 0

    Crashes = 0

    Fun = UNLIMITED!!!!


  2. Mexico decriminalizes small-scale drug possession

    By MARK STEVENSON (AP) – 7 hours ago

    MEXICO CITY — Mexico decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin on Friday — a move that prosecutors say makes sense even in the midst of the government's grueling battle against drug traffickers.

    Prosecutors said the new law sets clear limits that keep Mexico's corruption-prone police from extorting casual users and offers addicts free treatment to keep growing domestic drug use in check.

    "This is not legalization, this is regulating the issue and giving citizens greater legal certainty," said Bernardo Espino del Castillo of the attorney general's office.

    The new law sets out maximum "personal use" amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities no longer face criminal prosecution.

    Espino del Castillo says, in practice, small users almost never did face charges anyway. Under the previous law, the possession of any amount of drugs was punishable by stiff jail sentences, but there was leeway for addicts caught with smaller amounts.

    "We couldn't charge somebody who was in possession of a dose of a drug, there was no way ... because the person would claim they were an addict," he said.

    Despite the provisions, police sometimes hauled in suspects and demanded bribes, threatening long jail sentences if people did not pay.

    More here:


  3. Lmao, you met her before. Last week, you sat across from me and her, along with Raincheck at the table on the back patio!

    Haven't you figured out that I'm socially backward and terrible at formalities and small talk?


    It must be your avatar.

    Just got to walk up to everybody and say, "This is my wife"

    Everybody will say "Cool, glad to meet you"

    Yea, I know small talk. But it fills the time between looking at bikes. :)

  4. I'm home and still dry. Good to put some names and faces together. For those I didn't get to talk with I was the 6'4" guy with the shirt telling you I'm right 98% of the time.

    Hold on, "My car alarm is going off" :lol:

    Aerik, Casper, Fonzi, Ross, Jaguar and many others it was good to meet you. That little Xr85 was cool. :) Hope to see familiar faces and more new ones next time I make it out.

    And only wrong 3% of the time! :)

    Good putting a face to the name.

    Next time I'll try to say hello!

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