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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. nice reconnaissance mission there lol, cool idea I woulda never thought of that
  2. a republican jesus cartoon? this thread has reached a new all time low
  3. sorry the images on the website I pulled them from were much much smaller!
  4. I would murder it out with a new paint job like this guy did...
  5. reminds me of this http://media1.break.com/static/app/v1/global/swf/player09.swf?sVidLoc=http%3a%2f%2fvideo1.break.com%2fdnet%2fmedia%2f2009%2f3%2fi-love-you-man-my-station_1.flv&sThumbLoc=http%3a%2f%2fmedia1.break.com%2fdnet%2fmedia%2f2009%2f3%2fi-love-you-man-my-station.jpg&contentURL=http%3a%2f%2fview.break.com%2f682480&sShareURL=http%3a%2f%2fview.break.com%2f682480%23TellAFriendhttp%3a%2f%2fstats.break.com%2finvoke.txt&iContentID=682480&autoplay=0&embed=2&contentidencoded=682480&categoryid=4&userid=2199071&mode=embed&linktitle=Funny+Videos&sVidTitle=EMBED-I+Love+You+Man+–+My+Station
  6. is there such a thing as a work safe thread about condoms?
  7. still good as the day my grandpa bought em
  8. the ol' pull and pray eh!?
  9. i hope they impounded it and turn it into a DARE vehicle
  10. magnums have always worked well for me
  11. thats like telling a hot chick not to dress slutty in order to not get raped... :???: lol jk
  12. what about a gay guy who smacks a straight man's ass and then gets beat up?
  13. what!? std's never pay just ask this guy, syphilis face!
  14. yeah you can get FMLA leave, but it doesn't mean that they have to compensate you for your time off.
  15. my wife had a ton of paid maternity leave(6 weeks, not including her 6 weeks of paid vacation time she took)... my company gave me 2 days off and pissed in my coffee
  16. its not just any brain flag... thats janitor who is president on "the brain trust" -scrubs Anyhow, I don't mean to be sippin' on haterade, I was just being sarcastic in my first comment. I don't dislike buells, I think they've made some interesting innovations and I hate to see them go. I hope another manufacturer picks them up.
  17. I can just see Lt. Dangle enforcing these laws...
  18. Casper, I think I found our next user for that "tool" award you were talking about.
  19. ohh we're posting cartoons now? well my gift to you is the greatest video of all time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVMKBOANOc0
  20. yeah but fonzie you got a community award... you're like the barack obama of "ohio riders"
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