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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. anything can be modified!! is there something wrong with the FZ6R that I should know about??
  2. I'll see if he knows what that means, if not I may absolutely ask you to help me with it. I have to take off work a-fucking-gain because I have to pick up my son in the morning Let me point out I'm not mad that I have to call off to pick up my son, I'm mad because I am going to lose my job for having to do so, and I need another job like yesterday since that's the case...
  3. I wish. My lame ass passed out on the couch from the pain meds...I didn't even go. There is still plenty of time for me to drink.
  4. That would be really helpful if I knew what the hell it meant!! lol
  5. Back to the game (lol): Beer
  6. So, I saw THIS bike at Yamaha Motorsports the other day and it TOTALLY changed my mind from the Gladius to this...In case you can't tell...those graphics are PINK!!
  7. Yea, any suggestions for how to deal with the whole rear drum thing?
  8. ^^^ so...how are you enjoying the site so far? Get's pretty intense huh? Tons of fun though
  9. Yea, I'm pretty sure most of the OR folks will be at Buffalo Wings and Rings because the bike night is dedicated specifically to OR...the Marysville night might not get too much attention
  10. That's what I keep hearing...thanks hun!!
  11. ^^ Me Too!! I haven't had time to get my endorsement yet, and I did briefly ride the freeway the other day just because I was tired of the constant stop and go...I have a 250 also, but it didn't seem too scary, definately got the whole vibration thing which was wierd. Congrats on the endoresment +1 for doing it the legal way!!
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