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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Well, to be more accurate he's more of an annoconda no lie in that comment, I assure you!! Hey, could prove to be a really interesting day we can be pretty kinky when it gets down to it...not sure how comfortable I'd be performing for a crowd though!! Why isn't that sweet? Too bad y'all missed my skinny dip into the water...now THAT was a scene!! Okay, I personally LOVE compliments, so THANKS!! Zero and I are discussingn the appropriate pictures to share......
  2. I'm pretty sure the only one who can get away with that costume is the baby....the other two just look like Disney freaks holding a cute little baby hostage...the other disturbing thing is the adults look happier to be in the situation than the kid!!
  3. +1 No kidding!! It's only barely sprinkled all day today...who says it's gonna be nasty by tonight? And really, who hasn't ridden in a tiny bit of rain at least once..weather it was on purpose or not!!
  4. LOL, I was only playing with one "worm" yesterday
  5. We're okay with the rain...and will be there unless it's like pouring and that's only because Zero wants me to have some more experience in good conditions before I ride in bad ones. I guess you have to experience a QS&L Bike Night...apparently there are like a few thousand bikes?? Sounds cool to me....so we're planning on being there!! Yay
  6. Aww...what happened to all the jokes about me and Zero getting down and dirty in the woods?
  7. Zero actually used that exact bag on his CBR600RR and his CBR1000RR and his FZ1 and his DR650 and now the WR250R--his bikes had fender eliminators too and he used the bag with all of them...and it's still in perfect condition...heck we used it today...I'm tellin you what it is multfunctional and has lots of extras for added storage
  8. That's awesome! Zero and I are DEFINATELY intrigued and would love to take a ride like that sometime! I am really impressed with the fact that you spent so much time mapping it out that way...that's amazing! Are you coming to buildit's thing on the 20th? Zero and I will both be there for the whole ride, which I am so excited about!! It's great to talk to some other dual sport riders!
  9. Ah, from Waiting....yea, I must admit THOSE I'm familiar with...Zero knows what he's doing
  10. Oh...saggy boobs!! I get it now!! Well, now I feel dumb...lol....I guess I didn't know about it because I don't have that problem with my own female assests. Glad I could provide you with some entertainment...I'm always good for a laugh....at least at my expense, I'm not the joke cracking kind. Thanks for filling me in, now I'll know what y'all are talking about the next time you mention pancake titties
  11. Maybe....but they make you feel WWWAAAYYY better too yay for happy pills
  12. Is that like really big nipples or areolas or something? I've seen the women with sticks through their noses....and they're usually topless....you mean to say that Harley riders go topless or something?
  13. Okay, but that still doesn't tell me what it is....Harley is not the most well like group from what I can tell with this bunch, so I'm guessing it's not something postive. But still don't get what it is...
  14. That sounds FANTASTIC!!! Can I go too?? Zero was super impressed when I read your post to him....he says I'm not ready for the 'technical sections' but I will be soon....and how awesome that you have gas and foods stops along the way. If I go I'm going the WHOLE 175 though, I don't chicken out....it sounds awesome!!
  15. You can thank my honey for that! He spent most of the night in the garage last night throwing stickers all over my bike!! Looks awesome, right? Now I'll look like a REAL dual sport rider on the 20th...can't wait to ride through that creek!!
  16. So, you made it through okay....glad to hear it. Still stands though...if you need anything, just let me know....oh and thanks for the compliment earlier....that was nice
  17. Alright, someone tell me (I must live in a cave or something) what the hell is a pancake titty?
  18. Me and My Bike Me and Zero
  19. Geeze BOYS...is that what I get for joining a predominately male forum? I'll give you ALL credit for being creative in your own special ways, and it was funny.....and possibly not far from the truth or was it? I guess you'll never know. That's a big negative on sharing our "special" pictures.... :lol:I can't imagine what you would all think of me if you saw those!! Well, I know for certain each of you would be WAY more attracted to me... anyway, thanks for the feedback Oh, and SwingSet--I am JEALOUS of wherever YOU were today...I'd love to take that trail sometime!! Looks AMAZING!!
  20. Cortech--it's expandable and can attach to just about anything. It's way comfortable on the back of the bike...and there is no reason you can't get a tank bag too, but the Cortech holds a TON of stuff and you can even get matching saddle bags that attach to it for added rear storage
  21. Anytime fella...I'm always happy to help with anything I can, anytime. Doesn't have to be just because you're sick. I may not have a TON of marketable skills, but I'm like housewife for hire...cook, clean, babysit, carpool, change oil and air filters, change bars....the list goes on.
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