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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. It was the most fun I have ever had in my life! Someday I hope I can find a way to thank Zero for everything he has done...introducing me to the world of riding, buying me my first dirt bike and street bike....and being so patient and encouraging while I learn. The more I ride the more comfortable I feel...as Zero explained, I did a lot of manuvering, leaned the bike almost beyond my comfort level...rode the dirt a little too...it was fantastic....it's amazing how just a few hours on the bike got me so comfortable...after this week while my son is gone, I'll be riding like a pro in no time!! Thanks to everyone for all the support and encouragement...I really appreciate it!!
  2. Thanks for the friend request!! Welcome to the site...I'm judging by the picture of your bike you are not a novice rider....you'll enjoy this site, it's a blast and everyone on here is just awesome!!

  3. Well I am glad you decided to come back and post again! Thanks for the feedback...I am planning on taking the class, but it will be as a walk in as I did not sign up in advance. It's nice to hear that you are loving riding...I know how you feel about gear...I wear my fiances stuff all the time because I can't afford my own yet...luckily we're close to the same size so it's really no big deal but eventually I want all girly gear...maybe not necessarily pink....but I certainly want gear that shows I'm a girl Nice to have you back!!
  4. I never got into the whole body building stuff...and this is probably why....hilarious!!
  5. So, that dude...lol, you are defintely not the only one who doesn't read all the stuff that's posted..I am a talker...and now, lol, a typer...I don't ever expect everyone to provide me with feedback, but I certainly appreciate that you did!! Kosmo....I am really easy to tease and I'm totally okay with it...if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? NOW....I took my test and I passed!!! Yay!! Did NOT know that they give you a physical temporary permit with you PICTURE on it, so I look like crap but it's cool, cause it wont be long before I take the class and get a brand new license! Zero covered a babysitter for this afternoon so we are hitting the streets!! Which is way more exciting then the lame little ride I took last night (even though it was still way fun) Wont be long now and I'll be so comfortable with riding it will feel like second nature...and y'all think I'm a postwhore now...lol just wait until I'm full into riding!! HEHE Thanks for all the feedback!!
  6. I was under the impression that threads like mine were the purpose of a motorcycle forum....was I incorrect? Is this ^^not something that is appropriate to post? I don't have a whole lot of friends who would understand the thrill of riding....I came here thinking "at least these folks will understand" Being new, I suppose I'm still not familiar with what is acceptable posting material...I thought posting about rides was well within the realm of 'acceptable'....if I'm wrong and no one really cares to read about it, let me know... P.S. Thanks for the rep Nick!
  7. Yea, I took those pictures...bless his heart. Wouln't let me take him to the hospital so I got to play 'nurse' for the night
  8. Lol, Sweet! That's all I ever need to know!
  9. Okay, I just went out by MYSELF....ALONE and rode my bike...ALONE all the way (a whole mile...lol) to the gas station!! I didn't crash once, and I jumped two curbs (not necessarily on purpose)!!!! I kick started it all by myself, used all the techniques I've learned....and had a blast!! I just wanted to share...because it was amazing!! I'm actually pretty proud of myself right now...and now I'm ready to go get my permit tomorrow....(yea, I wasn't exactly technically legally allowed to do what I did, but I never went on a major road) I'll be riding to a bike night yet!!!
  10. Aw, thanks for posting something--I was a little concerned when I didn't hear back from you...We would both LOVE to come, so as soon as your restricition is pulled please send me a PM with the additional information. Zero works on Saturday's and wouldn't be availiable until later in the afternoon-early evening, but you can certainly count on me whenever!
  11. LOL, I prefer Post Fanatic if you don't mind I'm pretty sure I will never measure up to Kawi Kid....and what is so wrong with posting? Isn't that the whole point of the forum? It's just proof that I have no life, lol, so maybe I should stop posting so much so everyone thinks I have this amazing exciting social life....lol
  12. Funny that you opened this thread and read it only to bitch that the topic has come up again...I'm pretty sure that the title of the thread (720 minutes for next PM) should have given you a pretty good idea what the thread was about....if it bugs you that much, why did you feel the need to open it, read it and then post in it? Silly men
  13. Okay, so can someone explain to me why I never had any type of restrictions with MY PM's then? I was so confused when I first saw this thread because I have been sending and recieving PM's without time restrictions from day one....at least I'm pretty sure....maybe I haven't sent enough...no...wait...I am sure...I had a conversation with zero via pm while I was at work the other day and we were sending them back and forth...so why do some people get that restriction while others don't?
  14. Ok, I am TOTALLY jealous of all of you whose names are printed on that banner....that is one of the coolest things I have ever seen....wow, wow wow!! That is awesome!! Thanks for clearing up the banner issue, I didn't realize there was more than one
  15. Hope everyone had a good time...sorry we missed it
  16. Are you sure? How many banners are there? The one in the picture is the one everyone is talking about right??
  17. I've heard a lot about the infamous banner, but to actually see it is pretty awesome!! When is the bike night at Buffalo Wings and Rings? I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere it's a weeknight...I'm getting my permit on Saturday...oh, crap...that's tomorrow!! lol, and my son will be with my ex-husband next week, so I'm hoping I can make it out and actually ride....
  18. That is so funny! I call rocket an airplane all the time just to tease my son, it's so adoreable.

  19. That is a good point, except I feel that I must point out that the relationship he has with his daughter is unlike any teenagers relationship with their parents I have ever seen, she trust him with more information about her personal life then most kids would....she might not be a saint, but she is the most amazing and mature 14 year old girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and because zero is such an amazing father his daughter trusts him and respects him, so I definately think he's more fortunate than a lot of others parents might be with their teenagers....plus she has an (almost) step-mom (me) who is just way cool, and anything she doesn't want to tell dad becasuse he's a boy she'll tell me.....we are truly blessed
  20. Oh that's right....that's the one with the banner!! If I can convince Michael to come out there we should definately be there!!

  21. For sure....maybe if you aren't busy this week we can meet up at one of the smaller weekday nights

  22. No, unfortunately not...we have the little man tonight and had a very busy day today...we're hoping to make it to one of the weeknight ones next week when my son is with my ex-husband. Are you and your man going to be there?

  23. Thanks for the picture comment!! Just so you know...the "rocket" is flying on autopilot, not the airplane...lol, and my son will be the first one to correct someone who calls rocket an airplane which is why I felt the need to clarify...gotta look out for my baby boy!!

  24. thanks...I'm on ADVrider as DirtyGirlRider but haven't posted anything yet because I can't figure the damn site out...lol. I'll have to hit you up once I get on cavemanriders....that one certainly sounds interesting...thanks for the info!!
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