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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. This is a great great forum, especially for beginners like myself...you should get your friend on here...my fiance and I ride dual's also and we are more of the adventure rider types. I just got a KLR250 and would love to jump on that forum if you can send me the link, I would appreciate it. Welcome to the best rider site there is!!
  2. well, how do I get one of those? I want to be a VIP!!!
  3. I got black and purple...which is what my bike is going to be eventually--they're so awesome! Thanks Casper and Cbrgirl! You two are awesome!!
  4. Is it just any OR sticker or something specific? Thanks to Cbrgirl I now have a few stickers....
  5. So...I watched a really neat (neat as in interesting, not neat as in entertaining) video of someone experiencing the 'death wobble' or 'tank slapper' and found it very interesting. You know the BMV book says do not break, slow down, pull over and check for mechanical problems....lol, which I thought was funny....some of you boys have enough testosterone to fill a hot air balloon....is there any reason why methods to outmanuver a tank slapper should be presented in argument form? Is that all you guys do is argue? I have to agree with krzwhtman...this is a forum meant for discussion, there is no reason it should turn into a pissy argument....I guess I'll never understand you men....
  6. If I manage to get a sitter for saturday night I have what is called a four room tent...it's huge...plus CBRgirl offered for those who bring tents to throw them in their truck so you don't have the extra load on the ride....seems like a great plan to me. I'm really hoping I can make it out there, and am certainly more than willing to share some tent space, IF we can make it it's going to be me and Zero...maybe one of his buddies from out of town, don't know yet though.
  7. From what I understand Casper and CBRgirl are suggesting that people bring tents to crash in at the after party, that way you can avoid said 'stanger danger'
  8. From what I understand, Casper and CBRgirl suggested that folks bring tents to crash at the after party. That way you could have your own private haven and not have to worry about said 'stranger danger'
  9. lol, you're pretty clever!! +1
  10. I don't think so, I don't even think Casper and CBRgirl are going, and I'm pretty sure they have the tent. We'll have to plan for another time soon!
  11. I don't know who Jarvis is, so now I feel out of the loop
  12. I wouldn't know if it was a repost or not....besides, it was amazing! Who wouldn't want to watch it again? Nice post +1
  13. Well we certainly don't want that...be safe...you know with a dual sport you wouldn't have that issue......
  14. Lol, the whole damn state is covered in green rain!!! green means light though, so come on, a little water never hurt anybody....but I guess no one else is going because of the rain...boo
  15. Well, damn I must not have read the whole thread...bummer...thanks for pointing that out, boy it would have sucked for me to show up there and have no one be there....bummer but +1 to you...thanks for looking out!
  16. Okay, maybe, since it's at QS&L I could cage it and bring my little man...I really want some stickers, and I imagine because there will be a tent and stuff that there should be a pretty good turnout....wont stay long, maybe just long enough to meet a few folks get some stickers (yay) what time are people going to be there?
  17. OH MY GOSH, Okay THAT was funny!! So So So So funny! I needed a good laugh!! If I could legally ride the street I'd be there rain or shine, so that map is pefect....lol
  18. I got my bike, and even rode it around some in the parking lot, so technically it wasn't illegal, but I'm not getting my permit until Saturday....so unless I can find a sitter and ride bitch with Zero, I wont be able to make it....one of these days though...one of these days
  19. Okay, THAT was gross....and probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of in my life....it wasn't even funny, which sucks cause most of that stuff usually is.....ew....now we need a new one
  20. Oh my gosh, I love, love, love these!! Thanks for posting it, it's always a good laugh, I don't care if it's fake it's still totally cool...thanks for making me laugh....it was nice
  21. Killer....without vowels becomes KLR
  22. Welcome aboard!! Check out the girls only forum for some chick insight...it's restricted so the boys can't see what we talk about!! lol, congrats on the bike and look forward to seeing you out there!!
  23. LOL, gimme a minute.... but yes, the time is quickly approaching!
  24. We went to pick up my beauty today....attached are a few photos I will let you know now that there are already modifications in the works....including...take a deep breath....the colors. I know...after everything I said about how much I LOVE them....we are talking about making some changes....give it a month and I'll post the pictures of the changes...I'm pretty sure you wont be able to recognize it!! But It's still Beautiful!! My Bubba with Mommy's Motorcycle--He was THRILLED to go get it...I drove the car while Zero rode the bike, my son is in the backseat yelling "Beat Him Mommy! Drive Faster!! We Have To Beat Him!" If you know Zero, then you know that Kasey (my son) is absolutely his kid!!
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