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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. that about sums it up....lol but what about the hundred of thousands of people who DON'T get cancer from smoking?
  2. I really tried following the guidelines....to be honest I can't say how much rear pressure I was giving it, because I had new boots on that I had never ridden with before, I may have given it way more than I thought, but I always use the front more than the rear, mostly because I have a hard time pressing the rear break...thanks for the tips though
  3. Yea, that's a good idea...I'm pretty sure it shouldn't have locked up on me...Zero will give it a good once over though
  4. Good article...The way it sounds to me, and I could be totally off, but it sounds as if they are just saying the smokes can't be labeled light and medium, not that can no longer be produced. Hell, I smoke and will continue to do so however they appear on the market. Maybe it's good they're banning shit...force us to be a bit healthier. Although everyone deserves to do whatever the heck they want with their bodies, so regulating it doesn't really seem fair, does it? And the flip side is if they start making us healthier then fewer of us will die and we will be overpopulated and they'll start regulating how many kids we can have for population control. There is no one right way to do anything anymore....(Forgive the lengthy post....must be the meds)
  5. I had a "logical" reason for riding in the rain, lol, didn't turn out the way I wanted but it's cool...had I NOT used the back break I would have made it to work and been completely fine...Zero said that the back break locked on him too, so really it was a mechanical malfunction and not completely my fault. In all reality I could have crashed like that on dry pavement too, a little rain never hurt anybody...oh wait...then why does my ankle hurt? lol, but I'll totally ride in the rain again. doesn't scare me
  6. Thank YOU, Lance!! Yea, I totally thought I was on the right track, but doesn't really matter, we both fell asleep and didn't make it anyway I'm so sad You can disagree with my man anytime you want....especially if it benefits me to do so!! Thanks for backing me up!! It probably is, and considering the crutches thing I wouldn't have had more than a beer or two anyone, the LAST thing I want is to fall over drunk with crutches, no one would ever let me live that down!! No drinking for me tonight anyway. Sorry I missed it guys.
  7. That is a good looking machine! Cograts!!
  8. Yea, it's not really that bad, I just feel like an idiot, it's like crutches....seriously? Zero is doing a great job taking care of me...I'm sad about tonights bike night though because it was the BIG one, and I missed it...after I promised I was going
  9. So much for 'manning' up. My ankle hurt so bad I went ahead and went to the ER. No breaks which is good but I sprained it up pretty bad and have a bunch of bruises on my legs. They put a splint on my foot and gave me some crutches and pain meds. I was SO planning on coming to bike night on crutches even, but the pain meds knocked me on my ass and I just woke up. SO sorry I missed it...would have been a blast.
  10. Haha, yea, too bad...in men's I wear a size 8, 12 would be a bit big. Zero has already said I need better boots. He's pretty much on your side with that. He's a gear guy too, lucky for me, otherwise my crash could have been way worse!
  11. Yea, and guess who he volunteered to drive his drunk ass everywhere?? When am I supposed to get wasted? I should totally get to drink tonight, especially after crashing....
  12. :) Aw, thanks!! I think my ankle is just sore, there might be a sprain or a tiny fracture, but I'll still be at bike night tonight, even if I have to be in the cage. Hope to see you there, thanks for the comment!!
  13. Aw, thank you...that's so sweet. Are you coming to the BIG bike night tonight? I'd love to meet you...have some girl talk etc.
  14. that's histerical!! I should totally change my name to onecrash He is a gem and taking perfect care of me!! Hey now....DUDE (lol) Come on...I got back up and kept moving...beside it was my very first crash....AND like I said in my initial post, I'm planning on riding tonight if I can get the swelling in my foot to go down...give a girl some credit, I've only been riding for a week NEVER They were on sale at the Pony...the brand is Highway One, they're more of a touring boot, but I'm on a budget....and at least I had them, before those I was riding in tennis shoes, I would have snapped my ankle had that been the case. ***Again, everyone, thank you so much for being so kind and supportive. I know it was not a big serious crash but I still appreciate the concern!!***
  15. LOL, yea, I learned THAT lesson real quick!! He is PERFECT....he's cautioned me about breaks and rain on more than one occassion and bless his heart he never uttered the words "I told you so" He just held me while I cried and told me the most important thing is that I was safe Yea, I officially HATE my back break, lol I went down at an intersection, but it was the intersection of Grandview and I670...I made it up that hill fine...my dumbass aparently can't stop is all...lol I didn't know my honey was the president of the crash club!! lol, all the more reason for me to be a member! Thanks for all your support...I know it really wasn't a back wreck, but since it's the only one I have to go on so far, it seemed like a really big deal to me. Not so much now, a few hours later, but still....
  16. My bike is a CHAMP, not a scratch or a dent or any other problems. I wasn't going that fast, I was just a big blubbering baby about it and had it not been for the swelling and pain in my ankle I could have made it work.
  17. I'm a real rider for SURE now! Earlier this morning I experienced my very first crash. Anticipating the ride to the BIG bike night tonight I decided to ride to work today since the restaurant/bar is like a mile away from my work. I woke up to rain, but that didn't deter me, I was determined to ride to work anyway. I donned all of Michael's gear, including rain gear, wrapped my phone and all other valuables in plastic bags to avoid water damage and I was off. Following the rules of my permit I rode back roads. I was on Grandview Ave. near downtown and was coming to a stoplight so I pulled in the clutch and applied my front break. Deciding the front break would not provide sufficient stopping power I applied the back break and WHOOPS, down I went. I'm fairly certain that the back break locked up and the bike launched to the side tossing me off and coming down on my foot. (THANK GOD FOR GEAR) I managed to pick the bike up and pulled off to the side of the road where, once assuring my safety, I lost it. Keep in mind I am a girl and a new rider....that being my first crash I was shaken up and immediately began sobbing uncontrollably. I called Michael whose immediate concern was my safety and once convincing him that I was okay, calmed me down and convinced me to get out of the rain and call him back. I got the bike restarted and thought briefly that I could make it the rest of the way to work, but was WAY too shaken up. I pulled into NAPA, the very first place with doors and an open sign and asked them if I could hang out there until my fiance came to get me. I realized very quickly that my ankle hurt like a son of a bitch and continued to cry. Bless all those employees hearts, one brought me coffee, one sat outside with me while I smoked...an EMT came when Michael got there and looked at my ankle, the EMT and another man helped Michael get me into the car, and they even let me leave my bike parked by the store front until Michael had time to go back and get it. Overall, not the worst experience I've ever had in my life...and now I have my first crash out of the way. I'm still going to bike night and if I can get the swelling in my ankle and foot to go down, I'm RIDING. Not sure Michael will want me to do that and that would be okay too. I am so blessed to have a man as helpful, patient, loving and caring as he is. I don't know what I would have done without him. But there you have it...I crashed and my tip to others riders is......DON'T. lol
  18. We had a blast!! Thanks for the feedback!!
  19. Welcome, welcome! ALWAYS nice to have another lady aboard!! Be sure to post a lengthier intro in the Girls Only Forum...that's where we really let loose. I just got my permit on Saturday, so far have not taken the class and I'm not sure I will, I may just go take the test. My finace rides and he is fantastic at teaching me...but riding is absolutely the MOST fun you will ever have!
  20. Not usually, but I figure if I'm gonna hang with the big dogs....I gotta play the part!! I AM prim and proper. I am a "lady on the streets but a freak in the bed" if you will. lol, I can play dirty with the rest of you...just remember that MY idea of dirty is no more explicit and suggestive than you've seen, so it's still sorta innocent. There is a whole lot more of me for y'all to get to know If it's okay for all you boys to be dirty I oughta be able to participate...especially when it's about me!! Don't go makin me feel bad for being a little dirty....otherwise you may never find out how much fun I can REALLY be!!
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