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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Zero and I wont make it Friday night, we're getting the little man back from my ex, but we're go to Thursday's....where the banner's at!!
  2. Yea, you're a funny one lol. It was a great ride...and now I can officially call myself his RIDE or DIE Chick!!
  3. You know that's right!! It was actually very comfortable while we were riding, and both had breathable gear on. I'm not kidding anybody though, it was hot as hell....and for the record...lol...women don't sweat...we glisten
  4. Very funny...hahaha....for the record...lol...I DID NOT hit him with a frying pan, nor would I ever...lol. Besides if he gets out of line I have WAY worse things I could do!! lol Just Kidding!! I love him
  5. Good to see another new member! Welcome!!
  6. Welcome, this is a great place to be!!
  7. Nice to have you here! Welcome!
  8. Welcome! My Fiance and I are currently living in Hilliard as well, lots of neat places to ride around here!
  9. You came to the right place to find some rides!! Welcome to the site!!
  10. Good to have you aboard!! Enjoy!!
  11. Welcome to the board, friend!!
  12. That I do....he is a gem...I'm not sure what I would do without him! I seem to have picked it up fairly easily and I'm loving every moment of it!!We had an absolute blast!!
  13. Currently I have my place in Pickerington and stay often with Zero in Hilliard. In July we are moving in together in Westerville. Anytime you wanna ride let me know...even if you wanna go out by your lonesome I'd be happy to hang with your little one!! Bummer you can come out on Thursday. I had to convince my ex-husband to keep my son until Friday so I could go on Thursday...so I know how it is.
  14. Here is what Zero and I were doing today while everyone else was at work! We rode One hundred plus miles and enjoyed a romantic picnic by the water.... We even managed to get a shot of the two of us together...aren't we an adoreable couple?? Here is Zero's bike with the tail bag all loaded up... And MY bike with the gas tank....just in case we happened to not be able to find a gas station... It was a great ride, and we have plans for SO many more!! What a fun and exciting day!! P.S. Sorry if the pictures are too big, I'm new at downloading onto the website
  15. Zero and I are IN for this Thursday night...after the 100 plus miles we rode today getting there will be a piece of cake!!!
  16. haha, sweet! Thanks!! I'm not usually that dirty...but when the moments calls for it.....
  17. Outpatient is a piece of cake...take some deep breaths and drink about twelve beers before your can't eat or drink anymore and you'll be good But still, if you need anything...a home cooked meal, babysitter, anything, I'm happy to help where I can...God Speed my friend
  18. I think you meant "chicks" dig scars--which is true, he is the sexiest man I've ever met---certainly not only because of his scars, but they definately help and also I think you mean brother from another mother lol
  19. Thank you all for your positive feedback!! I have gone out twice since my first ride and it does nothing but keep getting better...Zero is a great teacher and has so much patience with me...he seems to be really impressed with how far I've come...which is awesome. I am loving loving loving this, and I appreciate how kind and friendly and supportive you all have been!! THANK YOU!!
  20. First of all--buildit (Luke)--Zero is riding actually just right outside his apartment where they were doing some construction....he looks for his own lines and if he can't find one, he makes one!! He is a fantastic rider...he actually raced pro BMX for a while, so he has lots of experience. I'm so lucky to have him as my instructor. ALSO, is the ride JUNE 20th or JULY 20th? The first PM said June and the second said July...I'm guessing it's June and Zero and I are IN!! Swingset (Craig)--we are all about going on rides, especially if you know some places locally we can go!! That would be great!! I'm still new, but I do feel the need to toot my own horn for a little bit, but I have really done a good job...dropped the bike first day but I did NOT fall with it and ever since then I've just kept getting better. I'm doing slow manuvers around cones and corners, u-turns and went up to an indicated 70 miles an hour...I'm really proud of myself P.S. I went on a great ride with Zero after stopping at HNW today with Zero and met a bunch of you great people today, and it was awesome....thanks for all of you who came out and were so friendly with me...it was great to finally meet some of you in person!!
  21. Hey, if you need or want anyone to visit you in the hosital let me know, I'd be happy to sit with you. It's a routine sugery, and you are in all our thoughts and prayers
  22. aw! Oh my gosh, that is the cutest little baby cow ever!! How could anyone think of eating a tiny baby like that?? So adoreable...congrats on the new addition!!
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