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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. I actually saw something of a harness that straps to the riders back that allows a small child to be attached to the rider in that way....but I'm pretty sure that would be illegal in Ohio because someone mentioned that your child has to be tall enough to reach the foot pegs before they can ride...but I like your invention idea way better, unless of course you fall, then your kid falls then you're both f***ed lol. I also agree with you about others being jealous...which feels pretty damn good, if you ask me!
  2. Jeep---The H2 Rescue Vehicle
  3. Very Funny...he's 3 and I'm not trashy. Sorry. lol. The most important point about having him was...can't ride the bike with him....I wasn't even thinking about weather or not it would appropriate for him to go into Hooters, I was more upset with the fact I couldn't ride....would have had to cage it....boring....and I would NOT have felt comfortable bringing my 3 year old son to Hooters...especially when I want to have some "Mommy Time" to mingle and meet you all guys....trust me, that would be impossible with my little darling attached to my hip
  4. Yea, you're right, although my way more legitimate excuse would be that by the time I realized I could have made it to Hooter's we had cancelled the babysitter so we had the little one
  5. I love that there are rides for a cause...it makes me even more proud to be a rider...wish I could make it up to Toledo but I doubt I will be able to...bet it will be a great time, and again...for a damn good cause!
  6. Cute...lol. I debated about posting that little fact considering 90% of the members here are men....my best friend is having one and I promised her I would be there....it's just a fun thing to do with a bunch of girls and a bunch of beer...lol
  7. The only thing I don't like about the link to a thread is that you have to log in on a different page to be able to see past the first one...that must the original thread for the funny pictures...am I right?
  8. Is first civilian division like being in the guard or whatever program it is that's one weekend a month two weeks a year? My brother is 20 and he's in the ROTC program for the Air Force at Ohio University so I'm trying to learn as much as I can about different military terms so I have a better understanding of what he's doing and can have a more informed opinion....The different branches of military are Navy, Air Force, Army and...I think there are one or two more...I'm such a girl, I have no idea...it's almost embarassing....
  9. Sara_Rides

    good enough for an ad

    yea, that's cool, great idea!
  10. Elvis (you'd have to be familiar with his music to understand why that's an appropriate word association) if I was cool like the rest of you guys I post a link to it, but I don't know how...)
  11. Wow, I must have had one too many red bulls and beer today then...lol....what is the 1st Civilian Division (I'm guessing that's the definition of the abbreviated version)
  12. That just means I have way more to say than you....and I have way more free time too, which might not be a good thing...lol....besides...I"m learning...I'm asking questions and reading up on topics I wouldn't have learned about on my own...it's not some random dumb posting of nude women and porn.... (BOYS) the stuff that I post for the most part is substantial, inquisitive or informative...Nightrider called me a Post Fanatic...I like that term WAY better than post whore...but call me what you want, I'm okay with it
  13. I wonder why you're restricted in how many PM's you can send?? I didn't have that problem and I've been here as long as you have....maybe you need to change your UserCP settings....wish I could get there, but, as I posted earlier...no bike no permit I hope you get a good turnout though...or is this not your big final ride before you deploy??
  14. They have just about everything, not just BMW, I've been in the shop a few times...I'm not sure which bikes they were using as demos but they have a whole area blocked off with about a dozen bikes in it, not sure if they belonged to someone or were being used for demos...wanted to stop by later also, but wont be able to unless we cage it since we have the little one....plus I have sex toy party later and can't be late...lol....hope you can make it out there!
  15. lol, well it worked...and I actually think you're right....I stumbled across some of the 3d images online last night and had way more fun looking at those then at the shit bricks pics anyway
  16. Okay, well, that makes sense, and people can comment on them and stuff, but if you don't see what's in the picture it sort of defeats the purpose too, because you never know what the hell you were supposed to see...lol
  17. I looked through some of the other pictures on that site..and most of them are crap...they should at least post what you're supposed to see....the ones tha you guys pulled for this thread were the only good ones that I saw...if you find anymore of the decent ones post them up, cause they were pretty cool!
  18. So, it's really good that I have a such a laid back attitude about everything...I was supposed to pick up my bike next weekend on Saturday then he called and said I could pick it up today, well then I couldn't pick it up today, so I'm getting it tomorrow....I went to take my permit test this morning and the FLIPPIN BVMV on W Broad was CLOSED which made me angry, the only other testing center open is in Lancaster so there wasn't a chance of me hitting that one before close, so I'll wait until...well I guess next weekend to take the permit test and hopefully the weekend after that I can take the MC course.....
  19. it's on Park Mill Run in Hilliard. Off the Fishinger Rd exit from 270. if you google it, it's listed as Honda Nortwest BMW
  20. baby boo (lyrics from Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls featuring Snoop Dog)
  21. So I dropped by really briefly this morning but I didn't see anyone from the site or a table or anything, I didn't look really really hard as I was just dropping off some paperwork, but...where was everyone? There was a table for Yamaha and Honda and some Hocking Hills Riding Club, but I didn't see anything or anyone else....what gives? I hope everyone who went had a good time!!
  22. Sara_Rides

    free bike!

    That's a nice deal...free anything is always nice! Congratulations!
  23. I would totally trade my dirtbike for this...if I didn't have to sell the bike...I just bought a KLR250 and I need to sell my dirtbike to make up for buying the dual...bummer cause it would have been so awesome to have a dual and a street bike.... nice ride though
  24. I didn't read through this whole thread, but this page had lots of info about helmets and helmet laws....I would love to know from those of you who do NOT want Ohio to adopt a helmet law for all riders....why not? This is not meant to be an interrogation, I'm just curious as to your reasoning for why people should NOT wear helmets when riding
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