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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Well change of plans..good and bad. Zero and I wont make it out tonight because we are going to pick up my bike tomorrow instead of next week so it is critical that I take my permit test tomorrow morning before we go so that I can ride...hope you all have a blast, with any luck by next week I'll be riding my OWN bike out to bike night!
  2. I have to agree....and now I feel dumb for not thinking about starting this thread first!! +1 for you!! I am really enjoying this site. Great reads, great conversations and great people!! Kudos to Ben and Carrie
  3. HELLO!!! Bike Night at Hooters on Hilliard Rome! Please Come!!! It's going to be a blast!!
  4. I found that completely amusing and had to try very hard to avoid laughing audibly from my desk....love it!! +1
  5. aw, now I'm sad...but I understand.... *tear* how was the study? fun?
  6. It would be great if you would come!! Zero (my fiance) and I will be there about 7...I definately encourage you to bring your wife...and I can ask around about stickers too...I hope you guys decide to come!! Thanks for posting!
  7. Oh, Come on! Has no one looked at this since 2 this afternoon? I am/was really hoping to get a decent sized group out tonight so I could mingle with you all...don't chicken out...don't leave me hanging!! Please come meet me at Hooters!! I want my first Bike Night to be awesome, and I need YOU there to make that happen!!
  8. We're doing a bike night tonight at Hooters off Hilliard Rome...you should come...even if you don' t want to ride...cage it...it's all about hanging out and having a good time...I'm new as well and looking forward to meeting others from the site...we're meeting up there at seven if you change your mind!!
  9. Well, it's personal choice. I agree with you, no gear no ride.... but it's still really sad anytime anything happens to someone on a bike...
  10. Everyone on this site is very nice and laid back...they're good at teasing...especially when they don't don't personally like what you ride etc. but they wont turn you away from a ride...it's ohio-riders not ohio-sport bikes only...lol....my bike is a dual sport and it's teal and purple...everyone hates the colors, but still can't wait for me to get out and ride with them...trust me...this is a good group of guys and gals!
  11. SOOO, Back to Bike Night Tonight....Who's In? 7PM at Hooters On Hilliard Rome Come Out and Play!!!
  12. Well, I wont get in the center of that discussion...sorry to hear that...hope all is well
  13. That would be great! We'd LOVE to see you there...we will be there by 7:00 PM
  14. We plotted the posting of this thread together...our ultimate goal is to take over OR with Bike Night threads....hahahahaha Are you and Angrish BFF's now? And don't you cause problems everywhere you go?? j/k hope to see you there...bet your hair looks cute!!
  15. OK, Moose....you gotta tell me you're coming to bike night tonight at Hooters on Hilliard-Rome....Right? Right??

  16. I am so envious of those of you who DON'T have to be at work today! Have a blast...try to keep up with Zero...gsxr750girl can I'm sure...but thre rest of you.... it's questionable (just kidding)
  17. Wiggle like a worm and come out!! You're new too, so you and I can meet everyone together...it can be like our face-to-face debut with the folks on the board!! And you KNOW you want to show off your bike....
  18. Well, damn....if everybody else is going then I oughta plan on showing up too...still, y'all should all try to to make it to bike night tonight at Hooters on Hilliard-Rome....but if you can't (which would be sad) I'm hoping to make it to the open house too, then I can meet everyone else!!
  19. I'm so sad...well, we will just have to plan a ride in your direction sometime....my goal is to meet as many people from the board as I can...you guys have all been so awesome and kind to me...bummer you can't come...but all the same, thank you for RSVP-ing
  20. We haven't decided what our plans are for Sunday yet...is there a thread for it? Zero is supposed to meet up with some folks this afternoon at Pony for a ride and then bike night tonight....but we haven't made plans any farther than that...but I'm definately ready to get out there...so we shall see...bummer you can't come out tonight....
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