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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Sounds great! Thanks VanDy!!
  2. Yes, I am Mr. Michael's fiance!! I'm the luckiest woman in the world...he proposed in March, but I suppose if you kept in better contact with him you would already know that....
  3. Well, contrary to popular belief it was NOT my fault he went MIA, FYI....but don't worry, we'll be rocking the Bike Nights, Afternoon Rides and Anything else we can swing...so you'll be seeing him again soon, and I'll make my debut
  4. You know that's right?? Come on....have you SEEN his bike lately? DAMN!
  5. What is the youngest age you would take them? I have a 3 year old and can't wait to get him on the bike, but I'm afraid for his safety at really any young age....does she wear any type of harness or anything? Is she able to hold on tight enough??
  6. Thanks, I have the best teacher already, but my fiance wants me to take the course also.... I LOVE the colors, I know it's a little 80's a little bright..but it's perfect for me....neon green shock covers wont look right...they're coming off anyway...there's a lot of work to be done---well, I don't really think so, my Zerocrash is infamous for changing shit up as soon as he gets his hands on it!!
  7. He wont get jealous....I get into bed with HIM every night anyway besides, the boys have been behaving themselves very well for the most part....besides that...the more attention I get the more compliments he gets...I'm his girl....other guys like his girl...then he's lucky because other guys like his girl, proving he made a good choice
  8. Hey...my wind up toy could smoke your 800 maybe not right away, but wait until my man gets a hold of it hehe
  9. Come on guys!! I LOVE the colors!! It's girly....I'm a girl....it works!!
  10. On my computer it says page 6....lol, the whole point is I'm kinda popular! lol, for once in my life....took me a long time to get even sorta popular
  11. It's because my fiance is ZEROCRASH
  12. It's official....the deal has been made!! I am getting a 94 KLR250...the one from the "Barbie Years"!!! It's teal and purple and PERFECT for me!! Yay!! This week I'm going to take the test for my permit and hopefully will do the walk-in for the course the weekend after next....Just wait...you think I'm all over this site now?? lol, wait till I'm riding!! B-E-A-U-tiful!!! So Perfect For Me!! What do y'all think?
  13. I didn't do it on purpose, but it totally makes me way cooler
  14. These aren't as cool as the other ones...and no pink...but I'm loving the concept....wonder if it looks goofy on a bike? I'm (hopefully) getting a KLR250 (the teal and purple one) wonder if colored tires would like cool or dumb??
  15. Lol, I was going to post in here about how great I thought it was that there was a thread for parents who ride to talk about the challenges and joys and I read yet another feud going on about HD vs. Japs....silly boys.
  16. Yea, I'm not so sure I like that...it's a little bold and......strange looking. where'd you find it?
  17. In my defense, I said long story to signify it was much more involved than how it sounds...it wasn't a cruel move, it was completely justified
  18. Louis Vitton is not just about purses...he's a designer and his trademark fabric is an intertwined "LV" it's on the LV stuff, purses, shoes, shirts, anything and everything...the knock of Louis Vitton is identical expect for stiching on the interior and usally if there is a brass fixture on the exterior it's just glued on...very poor quality, but they look pretty much like the same thing....but it's not about purses, it's about the fact that the fake LV is being put on EVERYTHING...keychains shoes, underwear and now bikes....geesh!!
  19. I'd rather just paint my bike pink...the fake LV IMO is more tacky than trendy....everyone know's it fake....so who are they trying to kid? although, a lot of people are into it, so maybe I just missed the bandwagon
  20. I actually know a notary personally...he helped me screw an ex into signing a contract of repayment (long story) but I have his phone number and he usually will meet you somewhere...let me know what I can do
  21. What can I say? I have a lot to say and I am SUPER excited to be here and be welcomed...it's awesome! Plus I am finally getting to know some of my fiance's friends (zerocrash) so it's just a great place to be!!
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