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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Hey! So I am finally going to get to go to my first Bike Night at the Hooters on Hilliard-Rome Rd. If you can...PLEASE PLEASE come out! I am so looking forward to meeting all of you! I will be there RAIN OR SHINE! Let me know if you're going to make it...it would be great to get a bunch of people out there!
  2. I'm telling you what...she was AMAZING! I had goosebumps from the beginning....the fact that she is autistic is even more amazing...her mother HAD to have been in tears...I can't imagine the emotion in that room...that being said...a vast majority of the crowd showed little or no respect and that pisses me off....can they not shut up for 3 minutes....
  3. My "antique" bike has a gas cap that fits, doesn't overheat when ridden, and has a kickstand that wont break off in the garage... and of course, while you're spending your free time making your bike look pretty, I'll be out RIDING mine...
  4. It makes absolutely NO difference weather he can paint or not....the bike is MINE....I Love the color of it, I picked it out. HE, being a TRUE gentleman, respects that and wants me to have what makes me happy, which is the teal and purple the bike comes in....who cares if he can or can't paint...he doesn't like it anymore than the rest of you, but at least he has enough respect for me to leave it alone and allow me to enjoy it for it is....exactly what I want. ***For the record...He CAN paint That being said...I certainly don't mind the teasing....when it is light and playful....everyone is entitled to their opionions and I'm fairly certain that none of you will turn me away from a ride because of the color of my bike and I appreciate everyone's input!!
  5. Thanks! Keep in mind that my expectations were not set etremely high as far as what bike I wanted...I knew what I wanted it to do and that was all that really matters...the fact that the colors are perfectly girly is just an added bonus You'll find what you're looking for!
  6. Wow...that's low...even for a bunch of guys...lol
  7. You just got here didn't you? Why are you leaving? Boo....well be safe and enjoy the wide open roads....
  8. Those are frame worthy...I bet Fire Stations across the state would pay big money to have a gloss or matte print of that in their lobby....awesome job!!
  9. Hello!! Lol, where do you think I learned it? hehe
  10. The bike is in great condition...it's a 97 that could pass for an 05 and seeing as how they haven't changed the way the bike was made for what 18 years or so...it will run great and on top of that its GIRLY which I love!! I am buying the bike not being paid to take.......boys
  11. ha ha ha ha, very funny...dude....lol. I know you boys don't like it...but guess what? I don't care!! I LOVE it, I think it's beautiful and I'm going to ride it and be darn proud of it! Bet you wont see another one of those on the road!! Go on and keep making fun of it, it's cool, I can handle the teasing... You only tease me cause you're jealous
  12. You're right he will make sure I'm hooked up...but I don't understand, what is wrong with the tires?? You don't think they're safe for the street or something?
  13. I don't think it's a silly question. I HAVE two helmets but it certainly doesn't mean you NEED two. the only difference is you wear goggles with one and the other has the visor...mostly I will wear the helmet with the visor since I'll be on and off road...the dirt helmet I personally think should only be worn on the dirt....and I can't wait to see me on it either!! lol thanks!
  14. Lol, that's fine, you guys just pretend that you don't know me..hehe, but you never know, I may attract some more female intrest because my bike is so girly...lol. Yea, my fiance has a dual sport and we have big plans for camping trips and stuff, so I think it's going to be great...thanks for the congrats!!
  15. Okay, that is hilarious! And SO appropriate for that bike!! +1
  16. Well, Zero might go on Saturday, but we aren't picking up my bike until next week on Saturday...I'm getting my permit this upcoming Saturday morning and Zero is going to (I think) let me tool around on his bike for a while until we get mine...so no Wayne for me on Saturday, but with any luck at all, I'll be in on the next trip!!
  17. I can't confirm that...but Coach (IMO) is just as strange as LV to put on a bike...but that's just me
  18. Wow...lol. So, of course you can hang with Zero...and of COURSE I will make it to a bike night soon...I'm super excited...and I'm not gonna lie...I would love to go for a spin on your bike...and anyone elses too, I just love riding...plus riding different bikes gives me a better idea as to what sport bike/cruiser I'll want in the future
  19. LOL, okay, that's funny...but I'm pretty sure the pink helemets signifies that the bike belongs to a female...which still doesn't excuse the hideous paint job
  20. Oh my gosh, I knew that and now I feel bad....I'm sorry....
  21. Besides that he was at the Hooter's Bike night twice in the last two weeks....so where were you? He was cool with riding in the rain....lol
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