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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Thanks for the how-to Swing'R Sprint EVDo, will have to try 4G on my way to work. (I don't get 4G at home)
  2. Depends what adapter your computer has... but in my experience router hasn't helped
  3. I dunno... I invest myself because it's something to do... if I was investing 50-100k then it'd be a different story. I just checked my portfolio, I'm mostly small cap international and one mutual fund... *shrug* My 401k is way down too, but I'm heavy into small cap domestic there.
  4. I won't do stache only... I look ridiculous without chin hair... well I look ridiculous either way.
  5. I'm at +3% on my portfolio... this market is not fun for day trading. Pick some good stocks and stay with them
  6. Someone at work asked me to join their team.
  7. The Nexus Prime? I saw that it got pushed back... I was really tempted to wait for it, but I figure the first mobile device running Android 4 will likely be somewhat buggy... even if it's developed by HTC with Google close by.
  8. It's true, you should hear the things she says about your "riding"... well, maybe that wasn't motorcycle riding <3 you Carie
  9. Only a couple weeks before you need to give me my birthday present though
  10. Casper, can you add this smiley please?
  11. Just got it... pretty impressed so far... still getting used to Android and no physical keyboard... I thought about the iPhone 4S... for about a minute...
  12. Everyone CLAIMS that you'll make "more than you can imagine!", if their offer is more than your salary than they'll pay with with a salary, not per job pay.
  13. All the more reason not to go to Michigan
  14. Likwid

    DucRX... WHOO!

    lol, the first time Pauly worked on the Vrod.... "Walks over to bike with a wrench.... wtf... is this stupid thing metric?!?"
  15. You should try leaning the bike a little bit...
  16. Likwid

    DucRX... WHOO!

    I don't trust Pauly... everytime I go over there he tries to upsell me on some service I don't need... like a blown "fork" seal (bikes don't have forks, what is this, the kitchen?) or a poorly maintained chain that smacks around. Hell one time he even pointed out that a bolt or 2 was loose... seriously... I wanted you to change my tire... not inspect my bike for things that may kill me. </literary point of view> I said it before, I won't take my bike to anyone but Pauly even though he doesn't use authentic harley davidson tools.
  17. You're not required to show proof of insurance during signing on all liens.. it depends on the lienholder. It doesn't matter if the loan was for the bike, essentially using the bike as collateral makes it a loan on the bike
  18. Lienholders won't carry insurance for you, unless they are acting as agent (most banks won't) To SR's original question, is it legal for the technical owner of the bike to require he carry full coverage insurance protecting their investment? Yes.
  19. You know what I gathered from this thread.... there's a lot of folks on the forum with really poor credit lulz
  20. I can bet, with 100% certainty, that this is what will be announced and what will happen. Something, arguably inconsequential. People will buy it. Thanks, where's my money?
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