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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Damn hotlink protection... here's the pic... *aahoooga*
  2. That's because you never stop at the podium.... but in all seriousness... don't worry about your pace, ever. You're far better off "thinking" you're slowing people up than knowing you're riding over your head
  3. She's free! And hot as hell!
  4. Comp coverage at Progressive automatically carries up to $3,000 in accessory coverage. Some other carriers do as well but I haven't worked at the others.
  5. What do you mean, "and now"... credit score has been the major rating factor for the big carriers for the last decade or more. Anyway, this is the first year I haven't been able to drop my MC down to min limits for the winter stupid liens
  6. Skip to 5:20 in the video to see the last known picture of Bad's right hand mirror Yes, I double commented, fuck you
  7. TIL it's 2 M's.... not kidding, I never noticed that before
  8. lol, it shows 720p is available, can't still be processing can it? Aside from the name typos (jrmiii, jbctown, and me) it's an awesome video man. Great editing.
  9. Awww, minus points for calling me Likiwid in it lol
  10. Pauly shaking his head... perfect summary of him
  11. I love that we're chomping at the bit for this video, he's taken 1 week to edit it... ... I've got a video at work I'm still waiting on our outside company to get back to us... it's been almost 2 months now... Hurry up doc, or I'll keel you!
  12. Theeerrreee'ssssss cooornnn in mmy chooowdaaaaaaa
  13. you don't need a closeup of me Noone wants to see that
  14. Nothing illegal about standard LEDs.... no wheel LEDs and stay away from anything flashing or pulsing
  15. We didn't wait, we hopped on our bikes and stared at the walrus and penguin for the next 3 hours...
  16. I luled I like how I HAVE to get off my bike to fill it up... it guarantees me a few extra seconds
  17. Oh also, riding up next to Josh on 77 and giving him the Jbot wave was pretty amusing... he looked over.... saw me.... then looked over again and kind of went "wtf?"
  18. Jeans and Mechanix gloves FTW baby! Take Pauly up on any advice he has... he's a clean rider even though he looks like a penguin. If you need any advice on braking just ask me
  19. 47 seconds beyatch! Helmet is on your left mirror! I AM VINDICATED! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKDK4q8L20Q&feature=player_embedded
  20. No, the first gas stop after that when you dropped your helmet and blamed it on me
  21. lol, your bike is a mess this year... first bent heli bars, now this.
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