You were doing just fine... your riding jacket bothers me though... you have an upvote arrow on your neck protector.... I can't stop staring at it! Bad and I rode through the rain for a little while but ultimately had to stop... then when I split off on RT 8 I hit it again... but I wasn't about to stop.
But boots with 2-4 inches shaved off the heal are still boots. Rollerblades with broken wheels is essentially like trying to walk on ice skates without the ice.
I'd be worried about trashing the bearings on the blades... I wouldn't be able to contain myself so I'd have my feet down on the highway while doing 65.
When are you going to send me the video you DID manage to record? I need to edit out a couple things before it's posted... Also, I should speed it up a little... you riding 10 on the dragon is really not that exciting
Everyone here has an opinion and will share it no matter if you want it or not. Back on the ride, I probably won't make it again, was a blast 2 years ago or whenever Bad dropped his bike
Agree with the other comments, stop and look both ways, not really the fault of the rail. Plus, it's a freaking freight train... how do you not see AND hear it?
I'm gonna give my old helmet to an airbrusher pal I know... let her paint it up ... maybe I'll wear it again I'll just take the removal stuff in it and put it in the washer.
u mad brah? quick, set fire to the house in the next 20 days! then when you file the claim tell them "Man! You were right to non-renew me.... it took forever for the fire department to get here!"