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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. * Then leave the next day for Deal's... it's gonna be a good week
  2. Likwid

    Senate Bill 5

    rabble rabble rabble
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGUZJVY-sHo You can't drive an F1 car.... I honestly had no idea it was THAT difficult... I figured it'd be hard, but holy crap that video gave me a new level of respect.
  4. lulz RIP cmh_sprint http://cmh.sprint.mediafetcher.com/news/top_stories/actor_austria.php
  5. I waved to someone the same way you waved to the squid on our SEO ride... I laughed pretty hard
  6. I came for the lulz, I stayed for the comradery
  7. I debadged my 2005 Vulcan... I didn't see any difference in paint
  8. You don't educate on spelling though, right? also, lighten up killer!
  9. Says the guy with an infiniti sedan and towing package
  10. It's her kid, Holly is fugly as hell! jk, <3 Holly
  11. That's a good line... "Nice bike, wanna fuck?"
  12. Bad, you looking for a place to take your man? I hear the Innerbelt is a great place to "watch" the "sunset"
  13. I've never seen a white guy with a m109R... gl hf
  14. ORDN 2.0 now with more achievements!
  15. I thought this was going to be about Swing'R and Wheezle.
  16. I don't buy lottery tickets because I have a level of intelligence No offense, moron. lol, sorry
  17. Damn, thoughts and prayers, like Pauly said, puts it all in perspective.
  18. You wouldn't download a car!
  19. Headphones is a per ride decision, it depends on how far I'm going (long distances = earplugs usually). Aggressive rides sometimes get music... no matter what headphones I have they always get messed up (even the asyms) so I like my earplugs
  20. Did you shake that bear too?
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