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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Sent it you computer illiterate fool
  2. Invites are back online, just sent out the invites for the private messages I had.
  3. Is the end of this video for real? Or just a little video editing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vQMuwRjI6s
  4. *shrug* Maybe Casper is in the process of banning you
  5. Did you post your address anywhere? I'm not sure I have it saved anywhere. Assuming nice weather I'll make it out for a little while at least Last year was a blast.
  6. The only thing I knew about this case was there was a semi attractive female on TV... I'd go to lunch and see the her on the TV, "Oh hey, she's kind of hot" That was it, now everyone is talking about how this is an injustice and the justice system sucks and how they're SO sure she's guilty and I just want to punch faces.
  7. Yielding the right of way does not mean getting off the road or not passing someone. It means yielding to them.
  8. AMEN! for once you said something I can agree with wholeheartedly
  9. She's got the best sort of birth control.
  10. You shoulda ridden by them on 1 wheel... it's a memorial
  11. If you're not holding them up, ie trying to turn ahead of them, weaving in and out of them, or otherwise being a jerk.. you should be fine! I can understand how folks might find it "disrespectful" to pass a procession I certainly don't.
  12. I almost put that as my status update... but I'm a wuss
  13. Yes, Facebook is SOOOOO annoying right now, more so than usual
  14. Everyone gets to do whatever they want... unless someone disagrees, in which case they have to stop.
  15. You haven't been on many OR rides have you? There's a lot of time spent talking
  16. No idea... but a lot of the articles I read say they SHOULD open it back up quick to maintain the buzz.
  17. Duh, it doesn't include anything relating to "fun" to ride... it's essentially riding days and likelihood of being hit by someone else, it's a objective study to avoid any "I disagree with that opinion!"... which is clear from the "factored" yet you people still jump in and say "ZOMG I DISAGREE!"
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