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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. This is easy (assuming I don't have to give up my current carry ) Desert Eagle XIX in Matte Chrome Remington 870 IMI Tavor
  2. It's an opinion poll with scoring based off responses. If there wasn't a sufficient sample size you could bias quantity... but that's not the case. I think people are mad because they spent $700 for a helmet and people prefer a $200 helmet at the same frequency.
  3. I don't agree with this survey so I'm going to look for ways to discredit it! You sure you guys don't work for a think tank?
  4. Likwid


    I'm not gonna lie... I want that rifle... and the tactical vest... and the tactical vest
  5. Likwid


    Most Tactical AR-15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9QxE3sUaw&feature=player_embedded Also, cuz you're gonna want it http://jtdistributing.net/store/more_a215.html
  6. I rode by a cop in a town square once (he was on foot) and he motioned to put my visor down.... (I wasn't wearing sunglasses as it was a little cloudy)... I had NO idea what he was doing until I about 10-15 seconds later.
  7. Glad you made the jump contacts are so much better than glasses... I, however, recently got Lasik, and while I'd HIGHLY recommend it, it makes your eyes dry out easier so you have to be a little bit more careful.
  8. I'm ordained at the universal life church I figured that'd be funny
  9. That actually says brake HP... here's the best thing I could find... I can't be bothered to look this up in the ORC
  10. Vespas and scooters are often <= 250 cc I know there are postings upon entering the highway that mention the minimum braking power...
  11. The concept of balanced income and expenses is ridiculous. You guys are morons
  12. Is there a way to report a crime if all you have is facebook info?!? I found some proof there's a pedophile, check out his profile! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?=743264506
  13. It really is a shame she became such a drug addict... she used to be pretty decent.
  14. "That woman would have never been raped if she hadn't been wearing that short skirt" Argue the difference and you show your hypocrisy, or just admit you made a stretch with it.
  15. Likwid


    So you're saying we should choose now to dDoS the site?
  16. Stand your ground only applies within your home
  17. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Go+Cruise+Throttle+Control
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