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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. hehe, gotta love the HD standard way of doing cruise control... little thumb screw between the throttle cables... turn it to lock it in place. I've tried the palm rests but it just doesn't have the same effect.
  2. Negatory, an autoclave is for sterilization (steam), a washer doesn't sterilize. Some items don't need to be sterilized so they go through a washer (sterilizing them would lower the life).
  3. Yay! So you can appreciate the awesomeness a little more than the average person. You should see the new stuff coming out soon. And let me know if you need CEs for any certifications, I can hook you up with dates and stuff.
  4. It's a single chamber washer disinfector for hospitals, you put hospital equipment in it and it makes the dirt go pah-pow, gone. (that's my personal belief, not an official statement)
  5. Do you work in a hospital, or does it look THAT much like a dishwasher? lol Thanks So the background on all this, one of our product managers made this as a launch video years ago... she found it lying around and asked me to put it on the tubez... she' competitive so we said we'd see who could get it the most views over the weekend
  6. By clicking on play and increasing our view count http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58kHGIPLUyg&feature=channel_video_title
  7. I guess this isn't a spelling year.
  8. I'm not the original owner, but I think they said something about it not being a covered type of repair... I dunno, it was odd
  9. Actually My XD has a little rust on the slide. Gun oil and a piece of cloth gets most of it off, you can use a nylon brush and get the rest off usually. Doesn't do any "damage" that I know of, but it's cosmetically annoying. +1 to what others said, little extra oil. @1000, what year was your XD made? I actually called SA about mine and the told me they switched some finishing one year and I got screwed, but since it was over 5 years old they couldn't do the repair under warranty
  10. Bad doesn't drive, he just hangs out by home depot and waits for someone with a pickup.
  11. All this just furthers the fact... HAVING a gun is better than no gun.
  12. yw all, I sent out all the ones in my inbox, hopefully G+ is not still throttling. Does this remind anyone else of the Southpark episode where Cartman buys an amusement park?
  13. Um, isn't red line on the Daytona around 15,500? Why on this planet would you be shifting out of 1st at 6k when taking turns? You don't need a slipper clutch, you need to do a track day
  14. It's all based on circumstance, there are VERY few times you need GAP coverage from your dealership/bank. Since they are already underwriting your insurance (instead of the bike) it's typically the right thing to just get coverage through your insurer. But honestly,you should always put a down payment that clears you of NADA value
  15. Likwid

    Baby Ben

    I had really hoped there was a pic already so I could give the "lbts" Congrats Ben, I hope he has all of Carrie's looks and none of your ginger qualities.
  16. There's a difference between GAP coverage and Loan/Lease Payoff offered through your insurance... just checking which one you have. One's a ripoff and one's a scam.
  17. Which they rightfully owe her, 7 years for lying to investigators is against the laws of Florida, maximum penalty for lying is 1 year (1st degree misdemeanor)
  18. All sent.... damn you Googles!
  19. This is a post from the engineering director at G+.... "doubling the trial" could be over already LOL
  20. Bad said his is MIA so far too, give it a few, they JUST opened it back up so I'm betting this same thing is happening a million times over
  21. DON'T LISTEN TO CASPER!!! 2talltim IS JUST A SHILL ACCOUNT MEANT TO LAUNDER MONEY $10 AT A TIME jk but not really..... or am I?
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