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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Sorry, IT is waaaaayyyyyy different. Experience over everything else... whether that's UoP or MCSE or A+ kudos on more education here's a job. I guess we're comparing Apples to Oranges and maybe public perception will move, I just know for me to move up I pretty much need a reputable MBA... the better the school the more I'd likely move. Chicago GSB, Yale, Harvard, and OSU are all high on the list... I just wish I had the money or time.... my wife has her Master's of Statistics so I'll let her earn the big bucks and I can buy more motorcycles!
  2. Don't drink the kool-aid bro, this is what they tell you as information. UOP lacks AACSB accrediation so no recognition of your MBA. And while they may have the "same" accreditation don't expect any real school to accept transfer credits. I had the same issue going from OSU to UAkron... the OSU course didn't meet the requirement for UA.... AND i know it goes the other way, and for more. The difference is, ANY college in the US and a lot abroad will accept my bachelor's towards a masters or doctorate. It's not the same way for UoP, I've asked admissions counselors at UA and OSU (i wanted to do part of a JD at UoP until both schools said no courses would count and an MBA from UoP wouldn't transfer) Also, don't tell a hiring manager, if i was going outside of Ohio I'd get less attention for a UAkron degree over an OSU degree... try telling anyone you have a UoP degree, they don't care about what accreditations the university may have, you'll get less attention than a local community college.
  3. Didn't even have to do that, as soon as the kid was declared an enemy/risk to The State he has lost ALL due process and right to a speedy trial. I'd rather you just killed me in a war than to keep me locked up in a terrorist camp for the rest of my life.
  4. That's fine if you don't tell hiring managers WHERE you got your degree.... and don't plan on going to a real accredited college. Most, if not all, brick and mortar universities don't acknowledge Phoenix "accreditation"
  5. Because under Bush the people would have been held without bond or public hearing then held under threat of terrorism indefinitely since potential terrorists have no rights. Just saying
  6. Yah, I was considering getting my MBA online but then decided against it... gonna do the old fashioned thing.
  7. Gotcha, yah I see this kind of stuff all the time with working from home. People have the anticipation things will be easier, but more importantly, bosses, professors, etc feel they need to make things harder so people don't think they aren't working/studying
  8. I've heard multiple accounts of them being mailed... :shrug: I'm gonna go pick mine up today, I just wish their hours were longer, 3:30 is early to close.
  9. Are you doing an online degree or just an online course from a local university?
  10. I have to run down to Akron after work but I may head over, we'll see.
  11. You're comparing apples to star shaped fruit... not even oranges.
  12. Great qb or not, fucking retire and stay retired or stop fucking announcing you're retired you waste of press release bastard.... Argh!!!
  13. kudos for bumping the thread, good thing MJ learned her lesson.
  14. Holy shit, you sir get rep
  15. Just got the call from Dept. Mundy today, license is ready for pickup. 6 days aint half bad, certainly not next day like ST but still. A+ for Summit County
  16. lol, those are bad. Co2, I get the sense you really hate "stereotypical" black people, a lot.
  17. Hurricane Lemonjello or maybe Femalé
  18. Or a nice game of "ouch ouch you're on my hair"
  19. I was going to look into those more, but they don't seem to make a lot of subcompact conceal holsters, andparticularly with their lock it doesn't seem conducive to iwb or pocket.
  20. Damn, that's why I'm thinking I'll probably end with pocket, just gotta move some pocket contents around to clear up front right.
  21. I know where you conceal your hamster I'm excited to get my new holsters, Gonna have to find one that's comfortable iwb, I have a hard time believing it's super comfortable so I'm hoping I'm surprised.
  22. I bet she made it seem like she was doing you a hhuuuuggeee favor... "no go ahead and write the ticket, I'd love to hear you explain it" lol
  23. No worse than, "daddy what's erectile disfunction?" or "daddy what's a herpes outbreak?"
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