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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Ok, NOW the story makes sense. Thank you! Very cool of your friends.
  2. This story made no sense.... can you go get one of your friends to please explain what happened? Thanks
  3. Likwid

    Riding today?

    The walrus rides again!
  4. Tshirts are only $25, sweetshirts cost 100
  5. I'm riding with Bad, so wherever we end up going, yup
  6. Seriously, I thought "better pics" was going to include breasts as well. You fail Hob
  7. I did like my Asyms, but I slept with them in and one of the cats decided the cord looked delicious. My issue with them, however, if you're trying to wear them while NOT wearing your helmet they are a little awkward.
  8. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    Cuz then you can share hair products? No seriously, it's working!
  9. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    *insert witty remark about riding a 250 like a girl*
  10. I've got double disc on the new bike, but my old bike had single disc and drum on the back.
  11. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    OMG! How do I get that jacket!?!? I NEEEEEEEEED IT
  12. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    Freaking harley riders
  13. Kawasaki clunks more than normal because of the positive neutral finder The transmission is equipped with a positive neutral finder. When the motorcycle is standing still, the transmission cannot be shifted past neutral from 1st gear. To use the positive neutral finder, shift down to 1st gear, then lift up on the shift pedal while standing still. The transmission will shift only into neutral.
  14. I was about to comment too... high 9s on a busa. I'd stay away from Busa if you want to ride it street, they don't turn.
  15. lol, I really wanted to post "Wow, could have just bought a bagger" but he freaking did.... so.... gj I guess lol
  16. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    Keep in mind what a review is for, it's for POTENTIAL customers. SO much now people take down negative reviews (not talking about here, in general), or accept gifts/money back in exchange for removing their reviews. Everytime someone does this it fucks everyone else up. Jussayin
  17. Did you wear the power ranger suit?
  18. Likwid

    614Paintworx C-

    I agree he likely won't find work from folks that read this thread, but customer experience is top priority for anyone in a B2C world. All Paul had to do was come on here, tell his side and cut the ties with Hob and it likely wouldn't be this bad. But if everything is true, the "get fucked" was the nail in coffin. Alternatively, maybe Paul doesn't give a shit and doesn't need the business anymore.
  19. Don't a lot of bikes make a distinctive clunk when shifted into 1st? Granted this sounds abnormal, isn't SOME clunk normal? Pauley?
  20. If the people at the track can tell if you're circumcised the suit is too tight.
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