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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I love me some nitrous!
  2. IIRC that is the case, but I'll wait for a real lawyer
  3. Parking tickets don't follow the same rules as "court cases"... in the end the magistrate or ticket counter lady will have the final say and bringing a copy of the statute and saying "she was parked on the OTHER SIDE and the statute says UPON AND..." The person in charge is just going to say, it means within 30 feet, pay up sucka. Then you can sue the municipality and try to prove your case..... either way let us know what happens, I'll be interested. Don't take much advice from JRM.... JRM why don't you tell them about the last time you "did all your research" and "fought the law"
  4. What size are the leather gloves?
  5. I remember that! Pauly AND jbot were there!
  6. I'm not sure I can go to bike night yet... still have stock exhaust. jk, if weather is nice I'll be in
  7. She's a digital speedo and tach, I was just being demanding... if I knew how to do any of the things you just said I wouldn't be in marketing I r not very good at technical thingies
  8. While you're at it make one for a VROD
  9. your battery won't die for a long time, we've had ours for a few years.
  10. Here's my experience with seeing an accident and why I was disappointed. Heavy traffic and construction, car behind me must not have been paying attention, I was stopped he didn't notice until late and slammed on his brakes. I was watching but he was clear of me, but the car behind him wasn't... I saw him get rear ended (nothing major, his car jolted forward a bit then I saw him drive off to the side with the other driver). I called the dispatcher and got the WORST attitude, "Why are you calling, you weren't in the accident. Fine where is it... northbound between mile marker 115 and 116?!? Just tell me the exit...." I know their job kind of sucks, but I almost just said "You know what, fuck it, I don't need to report this"
  11. A quick tag is better than no tag at all.... we should make this freeze tag! you can't leave until someone tags you!
  12. Uhm... welcome to the electric toothbrush world I guess. We have a sonicare and a triumph
  13. I would pimp Pauly more but everytime he works on a cwoozer he dies a little. In all seriousness, I wouldn't trust my bike to anyone else.
  14. Likwid

    Riding today?

    You saw a moron on an SV? That WAS lost! jk, love you bro Saturday was the perfect ride; fast, food, fast I no longer wish to do 300 miles, food, 120 miles
  15. Ben's response: "No thanks, I'll just pay"
  16. I feel bad, I'm 100% sure when Bad says it's clean and with no stains he means it. That's because he's never had sex hhhhooooooo-aaaawwwww
  17. I found 2-3 more VRods under 10k I was going to send him...
  18. It's only worth extra if it's the special HD orange
  19. NOONE wants to know what has happened on this bed.
  20. Was that a fat joke or a bad rider joke... either way, fuck you
  21. Would this be a bad time to let you know I borrowed it last night?
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