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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. As much as I'd love to share a hotel room with you and your "oops they messed up the reservation and only put 1 bed.... oopsie" I have to pass on the trip to CBus this weekend
  2. I don't work for them anymore, the company I do work for has a policy against weapons.... but I believe there's an exception for in vehicle. When I worked for Goodyear they actually allowed employees to use the security gun locker if you didn't want to leave your weapon in the car.... talk about a SMART policy.
  3. On a similar note, I worked at a (really) shitty company that tried to create an anti-gun/anti-weapon policy that prohibited weapons, even while in your car, on their premises including the parking lot. They also tried to say they had the right to search any vehicle brought onto the property... we refused to sign and said we'd park down the road and walk and/or quit.... it was almost half the developers in a company <100 people I'm really sick of this type of behavior.... I understand having rules to protect yourself.... but someone who is going to break the law/rules is GOING to break them. A sign, a rule, a posted message is NOT going to change that.... what is it going to take to get that message across?
  4. There's a lot more images I've seen but I can't seem to find any.... anyone else have? http://www.ohioccw.org/images/files/businessownersletter.pdf
  5. QFT How about they make it illegal to make it illegal to carry guns in ANY establishment.... srsly
  6. HA! I hear he plays a mean pinball though.
  7. Likwid


    I don't know what's funnier.... the fact he's practicing on a toilet, or the fact the lid is up....
  8. Powder coating your dick black won't make it bigger.... well not by more than a fraction of an inch, but I guess doubling is doubling.... OOOOOOOOOO BUUURNNNNNN..... sorry RB, had to do it.
  9. Welcome! OT: CBRGirl I thought your signature said "LET'S GO PENIS!!"
  10. *points at attachment* Someone's in trouble!!!!!! Didn't you get busted for uploading this photo before?
  11. Uhm, I wouldn't bank on that, for MOST items you need to have an associated accident for insurance coverage (exception is glass claims)... additionally, if there is no repair or the repair is less than your deductible you'll be responsible for the amount. MPH is up by me! Let me know when you're going if you want to take it for a shakedown ride after. I've heard good things about these guys (FYI they are RIGHT across the street from State 8, definitely worth stopping next door to take a look at what they got for sale).... they wanted a bit too much for dyno, reject, and kit but you pay for what you get Anyway, let me know if you want to go for a small ride up here after you get it fixed
  12. Wait wait wait.... the more south you go the cooler people get? How do you possible explain Arkansas?
  13. Wow, nice bike... seems like a nice price too
  14. This thread is so wrong it's awesome.
  15. I was going to ask the same question! edit: I should say, anything going on up HERE
  16. Sorry Christina. It's a bit of a shlep, but keep up with http://jobs.progressive.com, the IT folks are usually looking for project specialists/managers and ones that are PMP are difficult to find. Wish I could do more, but I think employee referrals get phone screened, so feel free to let me know (this goes across the board) if you find an opening you want to apply for and I can make sure to fill out the internal form so the recruiter knows it's a referral. Good luck.
  17. So I'll answer the question directly and then provide some business advice.... Yes I'd be interested. And if the price is right, I would look at powder coating when it hadn't even come to mind before (like a new part I just got, or something I made) In terms of starting it up, here's my unsolicited advice that you as a business owner may have already thought of... I'm curious if you're banking your cost benefit analysis off more than just interest on this site, I'm imagining you are. Considering the cost part of the CBA is only startup costs... since you already have a shop I'm assuming you just have to buy some materials... so to that extent, enough interest here and you can break even in Y1 and then anything after that is gravy. so on that token, if you can post your startup cost we could probably help you in finding out when your break-even point is. If you're talking $1,000 I'm pretty sure we can get you pretty damn close... if you're talking $100,000 than interest here likely doesn't mean a whole lot lol Sorry if I've just pissed you off by offering advice when you may not have wanted it, I just figure since you're posting here you want some advice.
  18. roflmao, "if it isn't defined it's legal" that scares me... mostly because if it's not DEFINED as legal it's up to officer interpretation.... "he passed unsafely, that makes it wreckless op" Also, the tractor speed limit.... not sure the 10 mph difference will really make that big a change (as a side note some truck operators have the tracks set to max of 55, Roadway and Wal-Mart to name 2) I used to talk to the drivers when I worked at Roadway, they said it was terrifying in Montana because everyone is wizzing by at 100 and they can't go 60.... I truly doubt it was "terrifying" though... lol
  19. Just remember using your car counts as attempted vehicular homocide... manslaughter w/e or assault with a deadly weapon... so yah, running off the road is the same as having a gun and shooting at them Not saying you're wrong... just saying
  20. LOL glad it worked out... and lol at 4 balls 2 wheels
  21. Likwid


    welcome! how you like the HC?
  22. This thread was enough to get me to get the pistol out of the night table and check my mag lol I think I should finally go get my CCW training
  23. but to get back on topic... LET'S GO MESS WITH ANYONE IN GREEN DODGE NEONS! Nick, it didn't have a dodge logo on the rear window did it? I had a bad encounter with a neon before.
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