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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. My understanding was NO, off duty officers have to follow same regulations. btw, what's LEO stand for?
  2. In for one, thanks Tony, my last free 3 year subscription had JUST run out!
  3. so I said, "yo holmes to bel aire!" welcome
  4. I should have been clearer, I worked at HQ. It wasn't that they allowed guns in the HQ, the security gate was at the entrance so you could go in and let one of the officers lock it up for you.
  5. Ouchies, looks like a nasty boo boo
  6. Very nice! I may get one... and a holster too
  7. No need to get defensive bro, he mentioned it in his second post and I didn't get that part.
  8. updated details and attendees..... that's right JRM, you've been committed. Cleave if I didn't leave enough time for food and get to work let me know, we could probably eat someone closer to where you work
  9. I know I posted this in Daily Ride, mods can move it, but I was thinhking, there's a lot of people going all over, so if anyone wants to up up here and then ride back down with the people riding down that'd be neato. I figure, meet around 11 The GetGo gas station on Highland and Route 8. Gas up, ride through the canal southward towards Bath, take some of the twisty roads over there, then come back up and hit up QSL for some om nom nom noms Anyone interested for a Day Off Day Of Fun!? DODOF Details: 11:00 Meet at GetGo gas station on Highland and Route 8 (don't come up Olde 8, take Rr 8 and turn on Highland) 11:15 Fueled and ready to roll Ride south through the parks, ad hoc, we'll go wherever anyone wants to go. bout 3 - 4 pm we'll go to QSL for food. Current Ride List Likwid JRM Cleave
  10. Listen, I think there's a little something you can do for me..... yah..... *unzips pants* ..... go into AdminCP....... click that...... yahhhhhhh...... k set this....... mmmmmmmmmm so erotic.... oh wait
  11. Unfortunately I'm going to say I'm not prepared for a "brisk" ride.... and while I'd love to go and say "don't wait for me" OR guys are too nice and you will.... Let me know if you get anyone else and it turns into a slower twisty run
  12. Most people do after doing THAT with me.... now no man will ever marry you since you're unclean.... sorry
  13. hmmmmm, could tape the pistol under the fender, and then just empty the rounds into the tank.... going to be hard to get them out though
  14. Ummmm, any chance he'd do one for a couple of us Board members? OR just me I'd drive down to CBUS, payment cash or beer.
  15. kk, let's go camping I'll bring the duct tape and rope... you know, for tying food up away from bears.
  16. The one question I have is, how do I transport my firearm as I'm getting my CCW? In a car it has to be, unloaded, out of reach and ammunition not in the same location.... what is it for motorcycles since everything is within reach?
  17. Nope, I was thinking: 1. What do you carry? 2. Where did you do your CCW training I never think "why does that person NEED..." I think "I hope he's around me when someone goes down"
  18. !!! rep is like lays potato chips... you can't have just one.....
  19. lol, noooobunnny loveesss meeeeee

    Oh no... OH NO.... I'VE GONE EMO! lol thanks, I <3 friends, and Kawasaki owners

  20. Hey VR, serious question for you.... If you went camping with a friend, and you woke up in the morning there was Vaseline near you, your pants were pulled down and your ass hurt.... would you tell anyone?
  21. I <3 newbsauce.... what's Casper got rep power set to for Mods? When I was an admin for GamingForums we had 10,000 rep power... so it was instant death or instant win... problem was you ended up with 1,000 people with 10 red dots and 1,000 people with 10 green dots... so it was redunculous.
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