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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Ebay or Craigslist.... Don't fuck with the gold buyers/pawn shops, all the same thing, and Nick's comment is dead on.... only they'll rape you THEN rob you.
  2. going 90 means you get to stop sooner.
  3. HOLY SHIT.... I forgot all about the stuntaz.... I <3 photoshop lens flares! http://www.geocities.com/icyhotstuntazz/
  4. I'm pretty sure the only jokes in this thread is about no gear allowed. I'm sure we'll ride, but I think TD's point was you didn't need to be track ready to go. However, no crutches allowed... so sorry
  5. Likwid

    Semi vs. my bike

    "America stops running without trucks" How about "Now hiring the most lazy, drunken, drug addicted slackers in the US to drive a 80,000 pound vehicle with no regard to other traffic."
  6. wow, scary how accurate that is.
  7. This thread is like reading the ramblings of 20 mad men.... dot 4 sheep urine dot 5 boils brakes good look for beer emote emote emote
  8. Yah, the road rash on my arm is 100% healed, only took 3 weeks... but I'll have some scars I'm sure.... but yes, I would have preferred to not have it at all. I've been wearing my jacket, still looking for a good deal on a new one that I like
  9. Likwid


    welcome man!
  10. East side all the way... That being said, I won't be riding up for Boneyard.... trying to NOT drive up to work when I don't have to
  11. I'm thinking we should do a new theme every week... this week will be swimwear.... Next week we can do lawyers... all wear suit, tie, briefcase, shiny black shoes, and greased hair.... omg, this is the best idea EVAR!
  12. oooooh! I'll do swimsuit, flip flops, no tshirt, goggles, and a snorkle!
  13. damn, I'm never going to be able to tell the jporters apart
  14. liter of cola please.... do we serve literacola?
  15. assuming it's nice... I'm in. I have a family thing near Hinckley (on Everett) so this fits into my day pretty well.
  16. Likwid

    ride starter

    Nice pictures.... lots of bikes up there!
  17. seriously.... a free 20 cent piece of plastic? or a free $1 shirt... Come on, sweeten the pot!
  18. grats, enjoy the new digs! .... what do you do again? ...
  19. What a retarded study, using 2,518 for a sample size... no fucking way you can infer results from such a small sample size.... even if you're only testing several areas.... you need that many in ONE area to get results... I hate people who do these studies
  20. As much as I'd LOVE to hit up CP, Saturday is all day at the in-laws and Sunday is fathers' day.... sorry, maybe next time!
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