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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Ouch, glad you're ok. Taking the MSF I just found out the first thing to do if you lock the rear tire is to KEEP the back tire locked..... otherwise what happened to you happens
  2. lots of good information. Helpful to know how to deal. The only reason I have an issue there is because of the whole "equal treatment" and all that bullshit. If you leave it on some idiot to make a judgement call then you end up with a middle-age middle eastern getting shot reaching into his jacket for a passport, or a cop getting shot because it was a 72 year old white woman reaching into her purse for a gun.... I know it's an extreme.... but whatever... I'd rather just comply and do my best to not have to go to court for it.
  3. I agree with you MJ, I really do, it's just I don't see an alternative Even if I was in a wheelchair I see it the same way, just don't know how you can argue with a cop and have it end well.
  4. Tase or pepper spray.... either way. Just because she's 72 doesn't mean he should change anything he does, if a 16 year old football player does it and a 72 year old woman does it, react the same way. Gotta learn it doesn't matter who the fuck you THINK you are, you have to listen to the police.
  5. Likwid

    LF some gear

    pegs, controls, bars, grips, mirrors... you know... all the stuff a complete nubsauce can get to
  6. Likwid

    LF some gear

    The though was if we had a friend with a helmet she would try it on, but I think I'll just take her to State 8 then go and buy it online... Still looking for other stuff though.... anyone have some takeoff cruiser parts they're wealing to wheel and deal?
  7. Likwid

    LF some gear

    Stop making fun of my tiny head!
  8. Likwid

    LF some gear

    roflmao, how did you find a picture of me? jacket is for me, helmet is for the wife I had a dentist appointment today (I am in so much pain right now) and he suggested heading down to IP as well... just a bit of a ride and/or drive so I thought I'd try here before buying stuff from their website.
  9. Likwid

    LF some gear

    Mirrors Must have: Rounded (not circles) Chrome Medium-long stem <$20 Nice to have: With adapters (I can always buy some) Pegs Must have: Bigger than the stock pegs (not looking for tiny pegs) Cruiser-esk <$20 Nice to have: With adapters (I can always buy some)
  10. Likwid

    LF some gear

    Hey, not sure if anyone checks this sub-forum but.... I'm looking for some stuff, don't anticipate getting everything but hey, might as well ask. Jacket Must have: 2XL <$100 Nice to have: Leather Black (or black with some red) Helmet Must have: Small (or XS, if you're close we can come to try on, if not we'll go to the store and try one on) Full face with shield DOT <$50 Nice to have: Red HJC
  11. Likwid

    Rider Down

    I'll keep him in my thoughts for complete healing.
  12. ugh.... it looks ugly outside jmat when do you actually deploy?
  13. grats on doing it the legal way My first highway ride was a little scary... wasn't expecting that kind of wind!! 250.... yikes
  14. I'll wait until as close as possible... do we have a rain date?
  15. my father has a system that gets built into the car....cost a fortune but I bet you can apply the concept to your MC
  16. I have a passport 8k as well... actuallyI have 2... I should take the spare one apart and wire the essentials!! good idea!
  17. I don't know why you guys have your panties in a bunch, I run across the highway all the time and noone has so much as complained. In fact, I'm going to go jump in front of a car now so I can get a good look at the license plate to make sure the registration is valid.... off to MSF....
  18. Likwid

    speed traps

    thanks lcbs, appreciate it. Last time I saw something like this (LONG time ago) it wasn't updated very often.... There's one that is updated by GPS phones that lets you just hit a button to mark a cop
  19. roflmao, here's the big issue... even if you scroll fast to get past an avatar (what I WAS doing) it's still cached locally.... haha @ you No biggie, alternative is to create a work username.... Casper would love that I'm sure
  20. I don't think it's that absurd to go into UserCP and change those options.... turning off Avatars/Sigs/Images is all you need to do....
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