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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I looked at the map... didn't think you guys were coming this far north.... Sorry I missed you guys, how many people on the ride?
  2. Thanks, I'm pretty pleased with them. I love Riverview road... definitely an awesome road!
  3. I thought I replied.. guess not. Looks great man, I really like it.
  4. Decided to detail the bike using the NXT wax FocusDave recommended... I did the full detail, then glaze and NXT over top... I'm very happy with the results! This has got to be my favorite ride, I don't have a lot to compare it to but still. Riverview Road follows the Ohio canal, and it's just a beautiful ride. It's not super twisty but it has enough to keep my interested. Here are some pictures, I can't upload them here so sorry about no thumbnails
  5. Keep in mind if you have your wrist bent (hand upward) you can compress the nerves in your tunnel (carpal tunnel)... one of the symptoms is numbness in your fingers and the thumbside part of your palms. I developed carpal tunnel when I started riding my bicycle. Not saying that's what it is, just putting it out there.
  6. Wife made me flush the rest of mine when I got a bike... cigars of course
  7. Detailing the cars this weekend... then take her for a spin
  8. I'd suggest getting something a little bigger, like a 500 maybe.... 250 is pretty limited imho
  9. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    Yah, I was there with a couple of my friends (both HD guys)... we were commenting about how it's all fun to watch until the guy doing the burnout facing us slips off the brake and launches it into us....
  10. Yah, I'm waiting until it gets closer.... hard to plan ahead in Ohio.
  11. your bike looks sharp, keep the rubber down!
  12. Welcome, take the MSF, well worth the time.
  13. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    FYI, the BS group had a section of the parking lot roped off for stunting.... but yes, it seemed everyone that left was trying to show off... but that being said, of the 1400 bikes, 75% were not sport bikes I'd say
  14. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    Noone from NEO was going on Wednesday, CBus had a big group.
  15. Likwid

    Deals Gap

    No tickets BiggO? You see a lot of cops or is everyone blowing it out of proportion?
  16. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    jesus christ that forum makes my eyes bleed. not sure if it's the black background with the non-transparant smilies, or the insane retard speak or the post/attention whore chick with the big avatar.... jesus
  17. Holy shit! That's what it cost you to do it or what you charged? If it's what you charged that seems like a great price, if it's what YOU paid holy shit!
  18. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    Yah.... double you tee eff
  19. Search novice on the codes site. It's anyone under 18 or anyone operating a MC for less than 1 year.
  20. Billie Jean Smooth Criminal Thriller Say what you want about him as a person, there is no argument. He was one of (if not the) most influential musical performer of our time. He changed the landscape for music. That being said.... what a fucking nut job
  21. ORC is your friend. Novice RC 4511.53 = anyone on your bike has to wear a helmet Temps = no congested roads or interstate highway, no passengers, no nighttime, must wear helmet and eye protection As for your "novice" on your 2.5 year old license... it should say "novice until...."
  22. Man, you guys must hate every store and retail location too... I mean, I completely understand why people would be upset but this is the world... the $10 oil filter you just bought cost the store $1, and it cost the manufacturer a shiny nickle... It's just they don't advertise how much the markup is.
  23. HE SAID CONFIRMED! lol TMZ is the source for death claim http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/michael-jackson-dies-death-dead-cardiac-arrest/
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