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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. OH wow, that storm rolled in QUICK
  2. It rained real hard and then blew over very quickly here about 2 hours ago
  3. I had this exact conversation with a friend last night. Goldwing fairings are the only ones I like.
  4. Likwid

    Riding with dad

    roflmao, that's incredibly creepy.
  5. ROFLMAO, I saw that the other day too... I was laughing so hard I cried... I managed to kick the WoW habit a few months ago
  6. Aha, thanks! I went ahead and tried what you suggested... the only odd thing was that the wire didn't appear to have anything that screwed, so I imagine the threaded portion is just to hold the wire in. But that seemed to do it, the wire seems much tighter, and luckily the valve still feels like it's firing from touching the head. Thanks Dustin, if you were closer I would be making you my full time mechanic!
  7. It's not the boot that's loose, it's the wire going into the boot. But it sounds from your post that to pull the boot off you'd have to pull that wire out anyway so it still sounds like I don't have a problem? Can you confirm?
  8. I was going to check my spark plug, so I was holding the spark plug boot and wiggling it and the wire going into the boot pulled right out.... I've researched online and I THINK this is ok.... I put the wire back on and started the engine then felt the valve cover and it feels like it's firing... and I touched the boot and got a nice little shock.... Can anyone weigh in? Do I have a major problem?
  9. You should try this color
  10. I agree, design 1 with marble, it's not too much yellow.
  11. I have no idea why these guys are claiming too much chrome.... I think it looks great man
  12. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    that's what I had heard.... Lots of wheelies and endos... wasn't really impressive but hey, nothing I can do
  13. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    It was cool ~1400 bikes the last we saw the counter at 8 pm.... I've never seen a bike night so I was really impressed... the BikeStyles guys had a place roped off where they were doing stunts.
  14. that's a huuuuge bitch
  15. wtf curby! I'm always looking for another cruiser to roll with!
  16. Likwid

    QSl 6/24

    Anyone else going, I'm getting ready to leave. That dude is probably busyy wwith some icy hot
  17. Likwid


    don't waste your time, shameless cry for attention FTL
  18. so first and foremost... boobs... but lacking those. Everything on this website http://thisiswhyyourefat.com
  19. man, whatever happened to a good ol'e stopwatch!
  20. Likwid

    computer help

    I wasn't aware of a way to restore windows without reinstalling... (without knowing user or any local admin password) so I'm glad someone else chimed in.
  21. ROFLMAO... that video was worth it for the last 3 seconds
  22. Likwid

    computer help

    I'll assume Windows password not bios password. For windows password if you do not have the user or administrator password your only option (other than brute force cracking) is to remove the hard drive run it as a slave to another hard drive, boot to windows and format the slave. Alternatively you can boot to a cdrom capable OS (like Ubunto) and format from there. All this assumes you have a copy of windows to install.
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