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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. couldn't find anything in the news for it.... hopefully he/she was wearing safety gear
  2. https://www.amsoil.com/dealerlocatorresults/ I got 3 results near 43210 (Go Bucks!)
  3. Was an absolutely beautiful day! Thanks for riding with me today!
  4. People are retarded... this is just as bad as the idiots that paid $17,000 for a Harley add some pipes and new grips then turn around and list it for $15,000 a year later and say "LOOK YOU'RE SAVING 2 GRAND!!!!!!!11111oneoneone" lol, found some examples... just cuz you found it for this much as a retail value on KBB doesn't mean you are going to get it http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1208744991.html -11grand http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1207866492.html - 17grand http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1205728513.html - 19grand
  5. You're a good man Charlie Brown I hope I'm never pulled over again... but if I am I hope it's you I'm tired of you 40-ists, EQUAL RIGHTS! That's right fool, we're coming after you!
  6. So a heads up, Sand Run parkway down in the akron metro park is a BLAST.... I used to scream through there in my car! Until I got a ticket for 58 in a 25.. the good news... if a park ranger gets you and doesn't call in the local police the ticket costs the same but no points...
  7. Woah, how do you get 40 posts per page?! Must be a setting in UserCP I missed, I only get 10 posts.... But I digress, did anyone anticipate a cop posting with "man you guys are right, I'm never giving a speeding ticket again!" or on the other side a biker saying "man, I wish cops in my area ticketed bikers more!" I love you guys Seriously, opinions make the world go round!
  8. holy christ, 40+ pages for everyone to realize you can't overcome stereotypes? Man, I love the internets!
  9. yah, riding takes a lot of work! I can practically sleep and drive Good thing I never ran a biker off the road!
  10. Likwid

    ride starter

    k, gonna head up there around 10 here... so I'll be there around 11 RVT has my cell, see you guys there
  11. nm.... I looked more into this and it looks kind of lame.... especially since the sponsor is Harley Drag.... Looks like I'm heading up to Cleveland to meet some of you folks
  12. Likwid

    ride starter

    I may head up there today, like I said, I need an excuse to ride... it's either this or Norwalk and that's for a Harley race... what time you guys going and staying until? PM me your cell I'll call/txt if I make it up there
  13. I know it's harley... but still? Anyone going?
  14. Likwid

    ride starter

    When I google Quay 55 I get apartments.... are you trying to lure me to a dark ally? :-D
  15. Likwid

    ride starter

    where's the car show? I have to tweak my idle screw this morning, so this would give me an excuse to go ride
  16. lol, grats Sara. Don't sweat the temps test..... it's a joke
  17. lol it's all good Doesn't hurt to hear the stuff again! I definitely kept a lot of that in mind.... parking is kind of cool, we have spots reserved for the bikes so parking is never an issue Although I parked next to the gremlin bikes.... I'll have to take a picture for you guys... they are part of an art piece (Prog has a LOT of art) that is "proof gremlins exist" basically, if you think back to the commercials for Progressive bike with the little gremlins terrorizing the bikers.... they go with that, so the bikes are all torn up, were on fire... pieces are sawed off.... either way I'm worried the gremlins may have jumped over to my bike! Luckily the product manager offered me some swag (including a gremlin bell I believe)
  18. Next weekend! Just in time for national ride to work day! Progressive's having some picnic and stuff.... it'll be nice
  19. The failbus called.... The PM restriction gets lifted after 30 days or some crap.... I still have it too
  20. Found out something else fun today.... should ride the route before you try it.... got about half way to work and couldn't find the road anymore... it jogged a weird direction. Anyway, said fuck it and jumped on the highway Ride home was fine though, took a better way
  21. damn you! Looks like I'm riding into work today! yay
  22. Likwid

    @that dude

    FYI TD I approve of your new avatar... both of them that I saw today
  23. they are doing repaving on State road in Cuyahoga Falls... I learned how scary it is going over unpaved uneven road AND it's one lane with a flagger... AND the paved to unpaved line is at least 5 inches tall.... that scared the shit out of me
  24. woah wtf, that dude went out? You run out of icy hot?
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