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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Anyone know where on the AMA Vintage site it talks about test riding the vendor bikes? I can't find it...
  2. I only know this from cars, but a patch on your car is cheap(sometimes free) and is a permanent fix... I'd get someone to do it for you.
  3. I'm going to check out jackets tomorrow.... my rear tire is bald so I'm going to take it to State8, new tire installed for ~$150, not too bad.
  4. I rode in as well.... turn out was a bit disappointing.
  5. Congrats! I took the BRC this past weekend too. Everyone in my class passed... was a really good group of people.
  6. The ambulance didn't have their lights on it looked like.....if he had his lights on and was on the way to the hospital I'm pretty sure they didn't have to stop.
  7. When is this? Not sure on the super races, but I definitely want to check out the Vintage days.... would be nice to demo some bikes
  8. Obviously you don't want to ride behind me then.... naked and backwards sounds like a good idea!
  9. Same here... was beautiful out!
  10. I'm riding in, they're doing a picnic/get together in the metro park across from the office (off River Rd).... stop by, last I'd heard we had 100 employees registered
  11. I definitely understand the difference for bare skin.... I went down at 10-15 in a turn.... it's healed up, but yes, it was a pain but not horrible. I'm going to check out jackets... I want to get one that's comfortable, I have a real nice leather jacket I wear but like I said... it doesn't breath... AT ALL. I appreciate all the feedback and experience from you guys as a new rider it's infinitely helpful
  12. alright... looks like I'm going jacket shopping this week.
  13. it's not a matter of affordability so much as a hmmm.. how much difference does it make versus the "enjoying the outdoors" piece So I know it's kind of hipocritical given the other topic about the down rider... but maybe it just comes down to HOW much risk I'm ok taking
  14. So Sarah... maybe you already mentioned... how's your ankle/foot?
  15. So I just finished the MSF but I have some questions... for the course we had to weat full gear.... but that meant long sleeves, not riding jacket (granted we only went a max 30) I've taken to riding with a tshirt.. I know it's not ideal but I really like getting some sun, and I don't have a jacket that breathes well... Any suggestions, comments, or yelling at me. Maybe I just need a good summer jacket.
  16. I agree with so much of what you guys have said... I feel bad for family+friends and for the loss of life... but at the same time you say "dude, come on, you're giving us all a bad name and/or reinforcing the stereotypes"
  17. So I bought this vertical plate mount Here And I'm thinking I need to add BoltFX or some sort of light over the plate... I haven't done ANYTHING remotely like wiring in well over a decade... Any tutorials, tips, tricks or offers to help on wiring some leds to the brake light? (that way it's on when the bike is on and pulses when I tap the brakes) Thanks guys!
  18. I'll race you! my bike verse you on foot...... take it or leave it!
  19. Likwid

    LF some gear

    Erm oops, hit the wrong button. Did find some cool side mount license plate stuff.... 20$ on ebay, couldn't find any on TBF near that price
  20. Likwid

    osu campus

    welcome man! I lived in Blackburn hall on North Campus for a year.... Good times
  21. Likwid

    ride starter

    *sadface* MSF is this weekend..... 16 hours of riding <15 mph
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