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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Not sure how many caught this on reddit today, but this is a sweet piece of software. tl;dr, the software adjusts your monitor temperature to be less like staring at the sun at night. http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/
  2. I didn't see you called until late. It was a special jew day, you wouldn't understand
  3. Sorry I missed the festivities, my best friend was having her birthday party last night.
  4. Also, Ohio-riders.com = About 73,000 results Ohioriders.net = About 4 results I sure hope you realized there are more implications to changing your URL.
  5. fuck this, I'm modifying my hosts file. I can't be bothered with all this shit. www.a.com here we go.
  6. Nah, no experience here, I'm still a full man.
  7. One of the folks at work was showing me an old "mobile sterilizer" ... it was an autoclave strapped to the back of a car.... wayyyyy ancient... like beginning of cars early. You should bring that technology back... you could design a sports car with a sterilizer on the back!
  8. Yah, like garbage collection?
  9. Folks outside of NEO probably won't care, but STERIS just posted ~15 or so jobs... more will be posted soon. http://www.steris.com/about/careers/careerfair.cfm Full disclosure, I work for STERIS and my opinion is my own, blah blah blah. (Thanks a lot JRM). I get a referral bonus ... so make sure you put me down as employee referral.
  10. I'd through in! This would be the perfect place for me to practice my unicycle! Also..... did you see it has a car wash!!!! ZOMG! IT PAYS FOR ITSELF!
  11. Noone will adopt this Everyone is going to stick with what they were before.
  12. well, it would be nice to have a bike that doesn't have more rash than a newborn I know you said you liked riding the Kawi more... so if this opens up more opportunities for me to ride the viffer I'll allow it.
  13. STOP IT.... just stop it.... Didn't you JUST sell a Kawi in 'lectric blue?
  14. Use Bit.ly so you can track how many people click the link. Just a free $0.02
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