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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. It's calling for snow up here too
  2. That's the manliest thing anyone has said today.
  3. I just refuse to wear pants in all things I do.
  4. I think they look at both sets of pictures, if they get your front plates but they don't get the rear they don't ticket since you didn't cross. but someone else may know for sure.
  5. A buddy asked me for this info and I can't seem to find it anywhere. What's the bore size on the factory front master cylinder for a 2008 GSXR?. It should be on the bottom of it..... 3/4 or 11/16 or some shit. Thanks in advance internet hivemind.
  6. I'd catch a grenade for you.... hell I'd even through my hand on a blade for you.
  7. It's the same in NEO on 271, like others said, part of the traffic systems. A co-worker told me about his radar detector (I took mine off cuz it was driving me crazy), the newer Escort Passports have GPS in them, if they detect the same signal in the same area 3 times in a row it disables that signal (but doesn't disable if a second were to pop up) Too rich for my blood, but w/e http://www.escortradar.com/passport9500ix-details.php
  8. I'm not 100% sure yet, possibly a power cwooza
  9. If you're looking for authentic B&W developing you're going to have a hard time... but if you're ok with modern, any 1 hour photo place can take care of B&W film... unless you're worried about them seeing any "tasteful" pictures of Carrie
  10. This is my first time seeing this trailer... my dick moved.
  11. No pictures of your broke ass engine? I'd like to see the damage
  12. hey, anyone remember that time we tried to do this fucking ride and it sucked? Otherwise known as "Fonzie's Wet and Wild Slabtastic Voyage"?
  13. I park wherever I can... sometimes that's in the middle of the store
  14. I love how quickly threads for the NEO folks digress. OP: "Hey, let's grab some dinner tomorrow, 5 pm meet me at Chipotle on XYZ" Reply: 2 nights from today would work better for me Reply: How about 6 pm? That would be awesome. Reply: I'm a vagina and I don't eat dinner that late Reply: That's a bit of a drive for me, how about ABC OP: Fuck it, I'm going to taco bell
  15. Likwid

    Which one?

    get the cheaper one, you'll need the cash to fix it up when you drop it "on the leaves" lol, no really, get the white
  16. 7 pm is a little late for dinner... I gotta get my early bird yo
  17. Who's the blond chick in all the photos in your first post?
  18. Yeah, you could do this manually, but the software does it automatically at sundown
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