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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I thought Dayton was a bunch of old blue hairs trying to get to their favorite frozen yogart stand. By the way, from what I have read, facial identification of the driver is NOT part of Ohio law for red light or speed cameras. Maybe California? Otherwise I'll get a President Obama mask, pull / cover my license plate and go speed around Dayton for a day.
  2. Another reason to avoid cities. So when are they going to make crash helmets necessary for car drivers under the age of 18?
  3. That guy was very lucky. I agree that the woman coming up to try and touch me would have been the beginning of another accident involving a collision.
  4. Maybe if he's that dumb he'll sell it for $1?
  5. Oh shit!! Yeah, they're all over in Mississippi.
  6. You know you're a biker when.... Every time you see a hill side or forest trail in the car, on tv or in a book, your mind says' "That would be cool to ride".
  7. If only the guy on the bar stool scooter had known that.
  8. I love me some real mexican food, little place outside Vacaville, Ca I used to go would fill up a 14" plate with chicken enchaladas and rice for under $5. Good cooking and some hot little senoritas! Don't get that sort of real mex food in Ohio.
  9. Taco Hell, haven't eaten there since college when I toured the OSU taco bell. I left feeling sick to my stomach and didn't even eat anything. If I want a taco I'll buy the meat and make my own.
  10. I must be a traditionalist. :-) I know it's not a track bike but the orange and black scheme is sexy.
  11. Just because he can afford a good hooker he shouldn't deny the experience for the res of us.
  12. No worries, I paid $8k for the van when it was at 50,000mi so I've gotten my monies worth.
  13. My caravan is pushing 100,000 with the biggest repair being a rear radiator hose. Go Mopar. :-)
  14. Doesn't anything over twice the speed limit in Ohio get you the silver bracelet award too?
  15. buildit


    Same issue with a twist. Elderly neighbor in NY was very proud of the new tires he had gotten on his blue Thunderbird, a real classic looking car. He had the tires mounted so the blue coating they put on over the white wall was facing out. Imagine his disappointment when he washed it the first time and the blue coating started coming off showing the white wall underneath. I had to explain it wasn't a blue colored white wall but that it was a coating they put on the tires to protect the white wall. I think he had gotten those tires just because he thought it was a blue colored tire and would match the thunderbird.
  16. Yeah, but He's cool. Gonna just ride that beast into the moving van. A uhaul loading ramp is big enough he could have walked next to it and feathered the clutch to get it in, but what's the fun in that? What happened? 1. Steve's a chicken shit and didn't trust the bike 2. He tried to ride the clutch 3. When he got scared he pulled the clutch all the way in and gased the motor. (Notice noise without motion) 4. He's never ridden off road and therefor doesn't know about momentum during hill climbs on big bikes. 5. Forgot to keep his feet on the pegs. Riding a bike up a ramp into the back of a pickup is a matter of trust and correct momentum. As long as the bottom of the bike can clear the crest of the ramp and bed it can make it. Knowing how much momentum to carry and keep from stalling, without over shooting, is like knowing what speed to hit a jump at. Experience and knowing the bike in all sorts of conditions.
  17. Every officer is different and so is every department. I've been given warnings for what could have been 15mph over and ticketed for 5mph over. As for flashing the lights, well, it is a nice gesture but you got to make sure the people your warning arn't cops. Kind of like flashing the high beams at someone who's lights look like their on high. If it's a cop they can ticket you for intentional blinding.
  18. All I know is I've seen riders on quads there with beer coolers strapped on front and back. So maybe the new law is "No Alcohol" as in we don't care if your riding or not when we find it.
  19. Announced this evening 1-13-11. A helmet and goggles are required to ride the trails. Flip Flops and shorts still optional. Also announced........... No Alcohol! Oh, I can hear the red neck quad riders crying.
  20. buildit


    I have been working out four times a week since November when I got off the crutches. I am now up to 40 min of cardio (split between stationary bike and elliptical trainer) and lift for about an hour. I also started using Lance Armstrongs site to track my calories and sodium. The app is called my plate and is very easy to use.
  21. I'm sure she replied, just not on the forum. Ask her BF, I'm sure he heard it all.
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