Yeah, but He's cool. Gonna just ride that beast into the moving van. A uhaul loading ramp is big enough he could have walked next to it and feathered the clutch to get it in, but what's the fun in that? What happened? 1. Steve's a chicken shit and didn't trust the bike 2. He tried to ride the clutch 3. When he got scared he pulled the clutch all the way in and gased the motor. (Notice noise without motion) 4. He's never ridden off road and therefor doesn't know about momentum during hill climbs on big bikes. 5. Forgot to keep his feet on the pegs. Riding a bike up a ramp into the back of a pickup is a matter of trust and correct momentum. As long as the bottom of the bike can clear the crest of the ramp and bed it can make it. Knowing how much momentum to carry and keep from stalling, without over shooting, is like knowing what speed to hit a jump at. Experience and knowing the bike in all sorts of conditions.