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Everything posted by buildit

  1. The lack of our government to be able to do racial profiling. Not all terrorists are named Mohammed but it sure seems like a lot are. Why are we giving an 80 year old grandmother a pat down when Ackabar can't be looked at twice because he has a towel on his head? When being politically correct mean giving up common sense.... I'll be politically incorrect.
  2. Used to go to Seabrook Island and can say it's no ones riding meca around Charleston. Remember they use unmarked cars down there too.
  3. buildit

    Safe sale

    Gander Mnt does have some good models at fair prices. I tried making one when I worked at a weld shop out of 1/4 inch mild steel. Mostly it was just to keep busy hands off the firearms and had a heavy duty padlock on it. Now it's a tool cabinet.
  4. buildit

    Safe sale

    Anyone ever make their own safe?
  5. +1 I've never bought or sold a gun at any of the gun shows. Came close once buy the seller backed out at the last minute trying to push for more $$$. So I walked.
  6. Put it on Antiques Road Show, it's probably worth $50,000.
  7. They must not sell Suzuki V-stroms or Kawasaki KLR's over there.
  8. buildit

    Safe sale

    What could go wrong?
  9. buildit

    What's up

    Hi old neighbor. Used to live in Gahanna, spent time on both side of the river. Word to the wise, beware the local traffic on a bike there. I'm sure if you've lived there over ten years you know it is getting worse and worse. I've known too many people hit on the streets there including myself. Plus the nazi police there are gung-ho for fast bikes. But it pays for the new cars they keep getting. Oh, and welcome to OR.
  10. buildit

    Safe sale

    And just how safe is this sale?
  11. This is only funny because Harley owners will rush to get the GPS version of these computers. To the non HD owners it's a paper map with a chrome HD seal in the corner.
  12. buildit


    Interesting perspectives here. I just finished my physical therapy for the leg and back and am getting into the routine of going to the club and working out m-w-f. Been years since I got out of body building and my gut shows it. However, I've been pleased with the level I've accomplished so far. As for intake/supplements I've started taking multivitamins and eating more whole grains and drinking more water. I wanna be 100% by spring for some serious offroading and trips next year. So far I'm doing 20-30 min of aerobic exercise between eliptical trainner, stationary bike or tread mill. For lifting I am targeting weights that allow me to do 20-25 lifts max and then step down to weights allowing me to do it again two more times. I try to go from arms to legs to abdominal exercises as I go to allow short recovery times for each area.
  13. 90 Miles Saturday and 200 miles last Sunday. Today was just a few laps around the yard with the dogs chasing me.
  14. My favorite four beers are cold, wet, free and replaced when empty.
  15. Might be running rich. Could be the reason for the white smoke and stalling. Could also indicate carborator issues. Weak spark could indicate the plug boot or wire is grounding out or other electrical issues. Sorry, to many possibilities to narrow it down further. Might be worth the time and money to have a real mechanic check it out. I can recommend one if needed.
  16. Poor Casper, I know how hard it is to get a date from a girl who keeps screaming "get out of my house you pervert". Just remember the guy from Little Nicky who ended up in hell being chased by the big bird.
  17. Only thing I've see down there is the Dayton Enduro riders club, in Dayton not Xenia. Lots of bicycle trails in Xenia. Please attach link to what you're looking at.
  18. There's no excuse for just driving off. You may not be able to avoid hitting the animal but why not stop to at least check for damage to your vehicle and condition of the animal? Besides if your vehicle is damaged I'd like to know who's dog it is so I can have my insurance go after them for damages.
  19. Motorcycle batteries seldom give much warning when they die. I usually figure they will die every 2 years, but then offroading is hard on batteries from the impacts of riding. Not to mention the occasional fall.
  20. Thanks, all mine have plates so I'm sort of out of the loop.
  21. I thin they have orv stickers at Ohio Motorcycle off I-270. But just get a day sticker untill the 2011 stickers come out.
  22. Put a new switch on it and call it fixed.
  23. Well, even with a broken leg around July that has kept me off the bike till recently I think I managed to get over 2,000 between the KLR, ktm and V-strom. I know I've done over 500 in the past three weeks since being ok'd to ride again. Gotta squeeze a whole summers riding inbetween now and snow fall.
  24. If you have a volt meter get the bike running again and check if the voltage is enough to recharge the battery. In other words is the stator doing okay?
  25. A clear title for a dirt bike will not get you a license plate which is needed to ride Ohio State Park ORV trails. Unless you plan to ride on road it will be cheaper to get an ORV sticker which I think costs $25 for a year.
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