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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Yeah, but hardly ever jams, will run 200 rounds of cheap .22 ammo easy, and even a total noob can clean the gun. At $100 as Jporter says it is king of the cheap ass plink. Plus adding a scope is supper simple and it can be used for hunting in Ohio. Other than that you can still find inexpensive sks carbines and 7.62x39 ammo is usually reasonable in price. But watch the ammo you use at indoor ranges. Nothing like being kicked out for using steel core ammo by accident.
  2. Just get a Marlin model 60 from Walmart and a 1000 round box of .22 and plink away for years to come.
  3. Okay, as a V-strom owner I would like to point two thing out about this video. 1. The speedo on the strom is commonly off by as much as 9% meaning he never reached 100mph. 2. The fuel level was down to half a tank, which all strom owners know a full tank would never allow you to accelerate that quickly. Honestly though, doing that on what looks like a down town street not the brightest thing I've seen.
  4. If it is just a skin irritation to foam period you might wanna check into a dual sport helmet since it is MX shaped but uses a face shield. Heres my Shoei Hornet but there are several makers.
  5. Tell them your faith in the inability of the US governments ability to protect their own identity has been diminished to the point you can no longer agree to pay taxes.
  6. Unless you are a speed demon or have a very cheap tire balancing can be done with the tire on the bike. You may need to pull the rotor but just using the weight of the wheel spinning freely on the axel with the center stand or a quad lift.
  7. You could ask someone to teach you how to change it yourself.
  8. People are screwed up. Prayers for those shot and their family
  9. The problem here is showing that the information leaked helps correct an injustice in our government. So far everything I've heard from Wiki-leaks only shows how dirty all politics are without showing the actions were taken with malice in mind. It's like showing Obama still sneaks smokes in the White House bathroom. It might be a black eye for Obama as a man but it is not proof of wrong doing on his part. Assange needs to be tried on conspiracy charges and Manning as a traitor given his trusted position in the government. Irony would be documents leaked showing Assange sells and produces child porn.
  10. buildit


    If you can't afford to lose it don't invest it. That being said it takes money to make money so that a $1K-$8k investment is unlikely to make you any real money. You would be better off paying down any debts, making repairs to vehicles to avoid expensive repairs later on or just keeping it in the bank. Having it liquid means that when you find an investment that fits you can jump on it. When I was in your shoes I was investing in CDs, but at that time a 1 month cd payed 4% interest. Now it's close to .15%. Maybe a good credit union offering a decent interest rate would be best untill rates return.
  11. Seems that by now someone would know something, smells like government cover up. Where's green peace and World Wildlife Fund when you need them.
  12. i'm not worried till the mass cockroach die off begins.
  13. +1 She needs to exploit her attributes in a sport that will really allow her the success she want's, like mud wrestling.
  14. I think most people look at the UFO possibility as possible but still take a "We'll wait till they land" attitude. I for one do believe there is likely to be life in the universe besides ourselves, but to actively seek it out is a big waste of time. So back to looking for big foot for the lot of you.
  15. That's the problem with driving in the US, there is no longer any understood rules of the road or common curtesy.
  16. That's sort of the point. Like if your parents start charging you rent? As far as being carded, I havn't been carded since I was 17yo, so the wake up call occured before college started.
  17. Isn't the real wake up call when you go on a family vacation and are asked to pay your fair share?
  18. F off 2010 you sucked! Happy New Year I hope it's better than last year.
  19. I will, hell there are days I wanna just pack up and leave the rest of you idiots behind. Sounds like my big chance. Can I take my motorcycle?
  20. buildit


    Doesn't Sam brag about sheep? Kind of a clue to his bike choice don't ya think?
  21. There is a hover boat on US 29 in the town of Mutual. Not sure of price but it's been sitting out there with a for sale sign for a while.
  22. Yeah, you got to head out, it was the very last ride of 2010.
  23. buildit


    Oh, had to reread that. For a moment I thought you ment the people who ride them.
  24. This is why I prefer riding off road. Although I'm not sure hitting a quad would really be much better.
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