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Everything posted by buildit

  1. buildit

    More LEOs?

    Patrol the highways and skip the byways. They can give out a second ticket if you for get to click it.
  2. Well today I tore down and cleaned two of the hardest guns I have to actually clean. The Ar7 and the Winchester 100. Lets put it this way I just finished getting the winchester back together. Also had a bad experience with Thureon Defense today. Just me but if you have a price on your web site you honor it and when you give out the "correct price" you make sure it is correct. Needless to say I don't wanna own a gun made by a company that is sure to fail because of it's staff.
  3. Yeah, I remember when you could pick them up at Vances for $100
  4. Good point. Heavier materials at the center and lighter stuff at the edges?
  5. Not so much as gas giants seem common in many solar systems. They are also easier to detect.
  6. So venus has high sulfur levels too as a result of volcanic activity. I would add the possibility that the surface material is the result of early vulcanism and proximity to the sun resulting in great early tectonic stress causing the high concentrations at the surface, solid Fe core and possible resulting in its slow rotation as lighter elements were litterally blown off the surface by solar winds that have to atmosphere to contend with like Venus.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ySqh4YcrvQ Someone else put up a similar idea.
  8. No, they are all called unmaintained roads. South Eastern Ohio has lots of them and they can be found by contacting County Engineers for county maps if they are not offered online. This does not mean some land owners do not fence them off as their own, usually because some knuckle heads decide they can not only ride the trails but the private land either side.
  9. Well, I already have one. So I'll just add my 04' has been an awesome ride with lots of power.
  10. If I can do it how hard can it be, right? Didn't get video of right before we packed up he said we got two 30 rnd clips to burn up as my sister was getting hungry and wanted to go get pizza and get home. So I got to fire off a clip in about 4 seconds....gone. That was cool! Before this the only full auto I'd ever fired was in .22cal.
  11. Dam fun day out back with family and friends shooting handguns first and then getting out the long guns. Eric brought his AR15 with a bump slide and after a few shots thru the 45-70 we managed to quickly put a few hundred thru the AR15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4grqR6FlX0Q
  12. I give him a 8.3 on the ultra-quad flip with rotation but deducted 2 for not sticking that landing like a bug on a windshield.
  13. Yeah, Adobe is pretty good about being able to accept many formats but be warned. Adobe backs up back ups of back ups. I went from 160 GB to 60 GB on HD space even after deleting the original files and moving the videos to a backup drive. I recently found where the file was that was hiding 100 GB of back up info for the Elements and Organizer programs and got the memory all back.
  14. It was the day many of us got a shock to the system. I remember I was at work and everyone was in the conference room watching the tv after the first jet hit. I wasn't able to bring myself to believe it could be anything more than an accident, but of course then the second jet hit. A bit of my naiveté died that day and over the next few as the news continued.
  15. I've used that on non HD video but Adobe Elements 10 works well on HD video for me on the Apple computer.
  16. Something to think about is Jupiters atmosphere. 1. it is thousands of miles deep and made of some flammable gasses 2. when an asteroid goes thru our thin atmosphere most burn up. So chances seem likely a fire ball would indicate a high velocity entry vector resulting in it flaming on entry and maybe igniting atmospheric gasses. The large comet impacts years ago did not ignite gasses and instead caused atmospheric disturbances as they sank thru the gas giants outer layers. I've often heard two things about Jupiter. One it is a giant cleaner upper of asteroids and space debris and that it is a failed sun. It never reached mass to cause ignition of the trapped gasses.
  17. Yeah, to bad you never ride anything but pavement. Give it another 10 years and it may all be paved anyways at the rate they are bull dozing the old unmaintained roads so that they can subdivide and sell off 2 acre lots.
  18. I thought that was only on gravel roads? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaaD069ILi4
  19. Why were you speeding to catch it?
  20. Adveture Rider Tip #103! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sh46IzGdM4
  21. With the little bit of rain we have had and a break in the heat I went down to Laurelville area with Indypup for some dual sport riding. It was still hot but not too bad and I think Indypup had fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdSkZqpUFOw
  22. Most the people I know who can ride a wheelie for over 100ft are 1. very naturally balanced and athletic to begin with, 2. using a the rear break to control rollover, and 3. taken years to practice and get over that "I'm going to roll over feeling". Getting that balance point and having good arm strength are important to finding that body position that keeps you centered. I'm probably at the same point you are for riding a wheelie and am still reliant on the bikes power to initiate and maintain the wheelie. Good riders use body english, can do it sitting or standing and have crashed alot.
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