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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Dayton has strict code enforcement about being a registered cargo pant and flip flop wearer on bikes. Welcome to the site.
  2. Yeah, all Ohio has is feral sheep.
  3. I just lie, everyone knows horses can't tell distances. I'll have to take Flounder word for it as I have never heard of a .22 round rebounding back at you off a non fixed target. I know they can tumble and vector off at almost 45 degrees as a solid mass. As they say though, "better safe than sorry". Did they say in the video above he was shooting iron? There is another video on the tube of a Canadian shooting where the round ricochets back and hits him in the head. Also notice part of what ricochet back hit the ground in front of him too. Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPZyBLv0ijc
  4. They should be okay since it is not a fixed surface. That will absorb a lot of the inertia. Most I've heard of are actually pieces that rebound as the bullet disintegrates on impact. So wear those safety glasses!
  5. Was she disappointed with the snub nose?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVecBww1vcE
  7. This is 1/4 inch mild steel. Photo taken after I repaired the holes. A 7.62X54 steel core goes right thru like hot knife thru butter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQxL7VFXQ9I A 45acp could not dent it, nor could a 357 mag. I have not tried 7.62x39 ammo yet.
  8. If it helps I used some washing machine skin metal to make one of my spinner targets. A 9mm will not penetrate it but does dent the piss out of it, so as long as you skilet in made of an alloy as strong as the metal on the exterior of a standard washing machine and your pan can swing I'd bet it will handle a 22 but will be dented.
  9. It was a good day. Had friends out to shoot for a couple hours. Found out my home made spinners aren't really suitable for anything over .38 spl caliber. Friend blew one of the arms off with his .45 ACP. Lucky it just metal and repairable, just like the holes I blew thru it with the 7.62X54.
  10. SILVER BULLET - LUCKY RABBIT FOOT NECKLACE guaranteed to be better luck than any Gremlin Bell. On sale now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0WQ1br6xy0
  11. Ever try Russian 7.62X54 ammo on a Steel Spinner Plate? Is this what happened to you too? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQxL7VFXQ9I
  12. Don't blame me I didn't make that video.
  13. Never heard of it in Ohio but it is big sport in SC and Georgia.
  14. The "NASA and We Know IT Song" http://mashable.com/2012/08/15/nasa-and-we-know-it-viral-video/
  15. Never heard of, "hope for the best and plan for the worst"? I guess when you actually have to deal with adversity instead of simply surviving it your perspective dims a bit. But remember ignorance may be bliss, but bliss only lasts till reality sinks in. Then the level of you mental preparedness is tested and you will either over come or be overcome.
  16. A troll is a troll by any other name. Exrach would be proud. The issue with all your arguments is that you make an assumption on the best case scenarios and glaze over the rest. You truely have a Pollyanna world view. While looking for the best in everything is a great way to overcome adversity for some, it is far more likely to result in being crushed by reality later on.
  17. We tried steel toe boots and the guns remained.
  18. Land mines are illegal to use under Geneva Convention rules. I disagree with their use because they endanger both friend and foe. A border patrol vehicle hitting one is just as likely to die as an illegal crossing the border. If people stopped using drugs in the US it would take away a lot of the violence but "Mangled" says' it is a victimless crime.
  19. How do you feel if someone you don't know hops on your bike and pushes it around a parking lot then parks it somewhere else without asking and without you being there? I don't know anyone who thinks that is cool, cute or funny. Did it harm your bike? No. Did it violate your rights to property and freedom. YES There is an expectation of the actions of others not infringing upon you or your property. Does that mean I come out gun drawn and blow them off the seat? No, but it certainly might warrant a firm warning, some verbal intimidation and calling the police if they don't stop. My rights to freedom do not trump yours and visa versa. It is a give and take balancing act that requires laws and boundries to keep morons like you from taking liberties at my or others expense.
  20. So you're okay with breaking the law? Just need a good enough excuse I see. Easier to run away from the problem that to be part of the solution? Your flying elbows just went silly putty on you. Your virtues are weak and unsubstantiated by you willingness to become a criminal when the cards aren't in your favor. Lets hope your virtues in the business world are better than your personal virtues. Does your boss know you are such a weak link to their high standards? "But transferring Iranian funds is a victimless crime" thought the banker.
  21. saw this on arms list and thought about this thread http://www.armslist.com/posts/495037/dayton-ohio-handguns-for-sale--eaa-windicator-357mag-4--nickel
  22. Okay Magley, the trolling boat just sunk from the .22cal holes in the bottom.
  23. Dam, I like your thinking. See you're starting to get it. I bet we could get rednecks to pay to have a chance to man the guns for the opportunity to waste a border crosser. What would happen to you if you illegally entered Canada? You'd be arrested and deported with fines and a jail sentence waiting for you back here. Why should Mexicans and Cubans expect any less?
  24. Everyone knows only a .45 will hurt you. All the rest just bounce off or harmlessly pass thru without damage. If you missed the end of the video I showed what one of the 9mm slugs looked like after hitting the plate. I thought that was cool for a fmj!
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